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Toby Foster and Harrow Halal meat

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so how else do we slaughter animals for food?


Shooting? that's ok but you have to be a flippin' good shot... Particularly if you want to avoid a slow, painful death...


Hanging them upside down (chickens) and dipping them into an electrified bath of water (ditto about the slow and painful thing)


Slit their throat? oh, wait....

Forget the actual mechanics of it - I don't care whether they're beaten to death as long as it tastes good - but I object to a religious minority being able to dictate how my food is killed.


So my question to you was not what is the point in slitting the throat, but why bother letting primitive religious ideas affect us in the modern world?


Why do people who believe in their imaginary friend in the clouds think it matters how they slaughter an animal?

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Forget the actual mechanics of it - I don't care whether they're beaten to death as long as it tastes good - but I object to a religious minority being able to dictate how my food is killed.


So my question to you was not what is the point in slitting the throat, but why bother letting primitive religious ideas affect us in the modern world?


Why do people who believe in their imaginary friend in the clouds think it matters how they slaughter an animal?


but, what the heck does it matter?


Someone could say the words "Hasta-Moo-Vista baby!" over the cows as they are slaughtered...


Does it make them taste any different? Does it make them any less the steaks or the beefburgers you are going to cram down your throat?

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Forget the actual mechanics of it - I don't care whether they're beaten to death as long as it tastes good - but I object to a religious minority being able to dictate how my food is killed.
How are they dictating? You have the choice whether to eat it.

So my question to you was not what is the point in slitting the throat, but why bother letting primitive religious ideas affect us in the modern world?

Painfully naive Conrod if you believe almost everyone who has control over you in the modern world isn't influenced religiously.

Why do people who believe in their imaginary friend in the clouds think it matters how they slaughter an animal?

Why did Bush & Blair pray for divine guidance before sending hundreds of our service men & women to lose their lives in the Middle East?
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Graham, for goodness sake, please go away and come back when you actually HAVE an inkling of an idea of what you are talking about.


(See JFK's response to your totally fallacious and absurd comments above)


What is it they say? There's none so blind as those who will not see, and I reckon you are trying to prove that there's also none so deaf as those who won't listen.


You have been told, time and time again what the Islamic laws are, about the halal killing of animals.


You have been told that the Islamic law says the severing of the two major blood vessels has to be done as swiftly and painlessly as possible, (with a knife of the appropriate size for the animal to be killed) honed like a razor, to cause the animal the least discomfort.


You have been told that the law says that the carotid and the jugular veins on both sides of the neck have to be severed in one pass, so as to cause a fast, massive bleed-out, and pretty much instantaneous unconsciousness for the animal.


There's no "slow" about it.


And you have been told time and time again that The Farm Animal Welfare Council (FAWC) says the way Kosher and Halal meat is produced causes severe suffering to animals.


You choose to ignore what you do not agree with :roll:

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but, what the heck does it matter?

Someone could say the words "Hasta-Moo-Vista baby!" over the cows as they are slaughtered...

Does it make them taste any different? Does it make them any less the steaks or the beefburgers you are going to cram down your throat?

So you are unable to answer and justify why Muslims need to do the witch doctor thing when they kill cows?
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How are they dictating? You have the choice whether to eat it.

Painfully naive Conrod if you believe almost everyone who has control over you in the modern world isn't influenced religiously.

Why did Bush & Blair pray for divine guidance before sending hundreds of our service men & women to lose their lives in the Middle East?

Naive isn't a word to describe me. I have no time for any religious tomfoolery, but accept that I have been raised in a Christian country, and (albeit grudgingly at times) accept that Christian beliefs affect my life through the society in which I live.


I do not condone the addition of more religious nonsense from a culture which clashes with ours, especially when it does not belong in this country.

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And you have been told time and time again that The Farm Animal Welfare Council (FAWC) says the way Kosher and Halal meat is produced causes severe suffering to animals.


You choose to ignore what you do not agree with :roll:


But so does keeping hens and pigs in battery conditions.


Of course 2 wrongs don't make a right, but you cannot condemn Halal/Kosher on one hand while eating meat that was farmed in batter conditions with the other.

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And you have been told time and time again that The Farm Animal Welfare Council (FAWC) says the way Kosher and Halal meat is produced causes severe suffering to animals.


You choose to ignore what you do not agree with :roll:


They're not referring to halal meat that's been pre-stunned though.

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Naive isn't a word to describe me. I have no time for any religious tomfoolery, but accept that I have been raised in a Christian country, and (albeit grudgingly at times) accept that Christian beliefs affect my life through the society in which I live.


I do not condone the addition of more religious nonsense from a culture which clashes with ours, especially when it does not belong in this country.


Cultures clashing?


This world is run by superpowers and extremely wealthy individuals, the British and American ones have more in common with the Middle Eastern ones than they do the likes of you and me.

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I do not condone the addition of more religious nonsense from a culture which clashes with ours, especially when it does not belong in this country.


Islam is a part of many British lives whether you like it or not. That people choose to eat halal meat is no skin off your nose, so why get yours knickers in a twist about it?

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