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Embassy thursday nights

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I went to the Embassy when it first opened.

I was 18 so must have opened in 1954, It was there that I went to my first all night dance with my cousin and for some reason I think that was the opening night

As I remember it was a lovely dawn morning and I strolled home in love with life, stiletto heels dangling in one hand and the young man who had asked to take me home after the last waltz dangling on the other hand.

I can still smell the heady perfume of the night scented stock, the delight of wearing a pretty dress, stilettoes and long earings which pinched like hell but no way was I taking them off. Shoes yes but earings never


I had given my cousin the doorkey in case she arrived home first and there she was sitting on the steps key in hand and family dog not letting her in,




It must have been a long walk home if it was dawn.;):)....

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who remembers the embassy on thursday nights, good night out!


hey this woke the old memory cells. I used to go to the tuesday night begginers class. ellen storey let no one sit out--she made the rounds dragging the boys up. I remember big lol, apart from keeping order [ no one argued with him] keeping the girls dancing he was also the m.c. who can forget at the end of each dance the velvet tones" and your next dance thank you" I had some wonderful times there and I remember doreen and her sister brenda who lived on hollybank crescent amd there was margaret, jean and sylvia. strict ballroom until the interval when the band took a break and lol played rock'n'roll records. If we started getting a bit carried away during the quickstep there would be a tap on the shoulder and a whispered "no jiving please" great times.

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My husband and I were present on the very first night of the Embassy opening, we think either 1954/55. It was built by Smiths Builders of Beighton.


Mr. Smith acknowledged that it was the best thing he had done but on banging on the ladies cloakroom door with his hand to emphasise this the sign fell off to roars of laughter.


The walls were running with condensation and during the interval a pair of large steps were brought out to open the windows above the dance floor.


At the end of a great night the ladies cloakroom was a total shambles, all the coat hooks had become detached from the wall and the floor was covered with coats, it was utter chaos trying to sort them out.


Needless to say we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves on many occasions after that.

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  • 2 years later...
I knew Ron and Ellen Storey quite well, I knew Pam Storey (Andrews) even better. Pam became a very close and much loved and now sadly missed friend. Pam died about 12 years ago. I never went to the Embassy, but know people who did, and love to hear the tales they have to tell!!


I've just stumbled across this website and looked up references to the Embassy ballroom. Ron and Ellen were my grandparents and Pam was my beloved Mother. Scousemouse - doI know you? :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I worked on the door Thursday and sat night with Alan Kirby smashing fella Alan was quiet and deaf but what a fantastic lip reader my aunty also worked there in the entry kiosk.also two other fellas who worked on door were Matt and john can't remember there surnames those two were good lads Aswell anyway Thursday nights there were a few ladies and fellas wanting a one night stand no harm eh but I seem to remember hen parties the women were a nightmare to keep in order

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Hello! Thank you for replying, I appreciate your response. i am indeed stewart. I am trying to get my father logged on to this site as it is a wealth of information - but he is internet challenged!!


I am sure we have loads of stories to share. i miss my mother desperately. But at my father says i am now just like her! Can i ask your name please?


Many thanks, Stewart x

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