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Diets tried and tested?? Need to lose a stone asap!!

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hello i'm wondering if anyone can recommend any diets.

i am a mother of two and dont really have the time to exercise apart from walking. My youngest has just turned 6months so i know this is the right time to start. I have an upcoming christening so want to lose weight for that. I just want to lose a stone and have tried dieting by cutting my carbs and that worked but at the minute i need my energy

Any recommendations thanks

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'Diets' all work by interrupting your eating enough to make you consume less food overall, or by forcing your body to do something it isn't meant to do, which is great when the weight drops off but as soon as you stop it all goes back on again.


Lots of walking, preferably at a decent speed which is getting you out of breath, ideally with the baby in a sling so you're effectively carrying weights to do your workout, and definitely including lots of hills.


Then change your dinner plate for one which is a couple of inches smaller (a bit of a trick, but it does help), eat small and often and make each meal low fat with some wholegrain to keep you feeling fuller for longer and including lots of fresh fruit and vegetables (meaning that you don't have much room for much meat, cheese or high fat things like pastry on your plate).


If you're doing enough exercise and cutting out the naughties (things like picking up leftovers from the children don't help) then the weight should drop at a pound or two a week, which is as fast as it should come off healthily. If you're losing very much faster than that then you'll either be losing water, which is neither here nor there when it comes to proper weight loss, or you'll be losing muscle mass which is very detrimental to you long term.


Lose it slowly, lose it healthily and hopefully it will stay off long term.

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ive just lots half a stone in 6 weeks by reducing my intake of the following





chocolates (try dark as you will eat less of it )

fizzy pops

salt (this will reduce water retention )

proccessed food

proccessed cheese

carbs (wont bloat you)


i havnt stopped eating the above ive just drasticly reduced the amount


snack on things like grapes for a sugary snack i like to freeze them (they really are nice )


drink plenty of water as this will help you feel fuller inbetween meals


try using a smaller plate as it will look like you have loads on your plate when you really havnt


fruit salads, sorbets, baked apples, poached pears for desserts if you like them after meals


fill up on veg when eating meals, half of my plate is usually veg now.


good luck with it hun


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This isn't for everyone, but I lost weight by keeping a record of everything I ate and drank each day and calculated all the calories. That's every biscuit, sweet, slice of toast, glass of orange juice etc etc. I would even weigh the milk and sugar I used in a cup of tea (for me, around 50 calories). There are some good sites that give you the calorie content of anything and everything, such as http://caloriecount.about.com/. I made sure I never have more than 1500 calories a day. I'm a bloke, so this was 1000 calories less than I needed to maintain my weight.


1000 calories per day = 7000 calories per week. And a pound of fat is 3500 calories, so I should have lost around two pounds a week. And that's exactly what I lost. There are seven weeks until October, so that would be a loss for you of one stone!


You would need to work out how many calories you need each day (this is a good site http://www.shapefit.com/dailycalorie-calc.html). As a woman this will probably be about 2000, so you would need to take it down to around 1000 a day to lose weight at the same rate. That actually sounds a bit low to me (but I'm no expert...). Perhaps 1200 calories a day, and walk two or three miles would be better.


It sounds like a bit of faff I know, but I'm a bit of a geek and like the scientific approach! If you're strict and honest with yourself the weight loss is guaranteed.

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forget about calories.

its simple

eat less

exercise more.


you WILL lose weight.


Very true!! But people can easily kid themselves that they're eating less when they're not. Like having a salad, then drowning it in oil based dressing and feeling ever so virtuous!

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