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What existed before the big bang? Something must have!

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You tell me ,you're the one commenting on scientists attitude to it.....so I figured you must have some idea as to what you're referring to....
Tell you what?.. when the beginning of all creation occurred?. I'll not even attempt to make such a presumption truman, I'm not a scientist.
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Why are you reluctant to offer an explanation?.. are you struggling to find one?:hihi:


I'm not reluctant to offer an explanation. You haven't asked for one.


You've asked for a meaning, which I gave.


Later, you claimed you'd asked for a reason. A claim I refuted.


Now you accuse me of being reluctant to offer an explanation.



Listen, Danot, you introduced the term "logic" as part of your argument, earlier. The use of logic requires an impeccable level of precision. Any less would render it open to misintepretation and therefore not what is generally understood to be logic. Logic is not subject to more than one interpretation.


I point this out because you have been imprecise. Subsequently when, as a result of this, your didn't receive the answer you required you initially claimed to have asked a different question and when that claim was shown to be false you accused the respondant (ie me) of reluctance to provide an answer ... to a question you haven't asked. That is illogical.


See, Danot, if you are going to bandy terms around you need to make sure you understand them and are prepared to work within the requirements of them.


To answer your attempted question regarding the reason I referred to your "difficulty". The reason is, simply, that you started the thread with a question. That question has been answered to the best of our (the human race) ability as it stands at the present time. You have refused to accept any of the answers and, gradually, turned the thread into what appears to be a criticism of scientists or scientific method.


Therefore, assuming (as I said earlier) that you're not trolling or following a different agenda, the only logical conclusions to be drawn, in my opinion, are that either you know more than the rest of us or you are having difficulty comprehending the answers you are being offered.


Given that, if the former were the correct conlusion you would, no doubt, have had the good grace to share your higher understanding with us and you haven't, I discounted that as a possibility which left the latter. Hence my use of the term "your difficulty".

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Ok then esme, who's going to answer it?


well the simple answer to that "is someone who is smarter than either you or I"


the people asking this question are numbered among the most intelligent on the planet, I think it's safe to say that I don't fall into that category, do you ?


however you haven't answered the original question


who is saying the question cannot be answered and is therefore nonsensical ?

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I haven't a problem with science per se. It's the "matter of fact" attitude they have regarding their theories on what "most probably" did or didn't happened at the beginning of all creation. It's human arrogant at it's finest.


Ah ... so it is a beef against scientists. Glad we got that straight.


Regarding the bold bit. Do you understand the meaning of the word "theory" in there? The very fact that the word is used is an admission that they don't know the answer. How can that be arrogant?


Do you consider it arrogant that scientists are, in effect, saying: "We don't know the answer to this question. This is the best idea we've come up with so far so we'll stick with it until it is shown to be wrong and then we'll try to come up with another one."?


As an aside, the bold bit in your post is very similar to the accusation I've heard on a number of occasions in the past. Each and every time it's been uttered by an RE teacher. I'm not suggesting any conclusions be drawn from this; the sample size is too small. Just pointing out an interesting, related, bit of anecdotal evidence.

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well the simple answer to that "is someone who is smarter than either you or I"


the people asking this question are numbered among the most intelligent on the planet, I think it's safe to say that I don't fall into that category, do you ?

No I don't.


Posted by esme

however you haven't answered the original question


who is saying the question cannot be answered and is therefore nonsensical ?

Several posters feel it's an incomprehensible question, which I would have to agree with.
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You tell me ,you're the one commenting on scientists attitude to it.....so I figured you must have some idea as to what you're referring to....
I can't tell you because I don't know.. no-one does. That is what I've been referring to.
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