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What existed before the big bang? Something must have!

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Just because you can't "get your head round it" that doesn't mean nobody can. Can you really not accept the possibility that some people whether through aptitude, training or both can understand concepts you are utterly unable to?


No I cant.

I am one of the few people on this planet that refuses to accept being told what to think.

I know what I know, I see what I see, I think what my brain tells me.

Without me, this Universe does not exist, you die when I die, think on that my friend.

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No I cant.

I am one of the few people on this planet that refuses to accept being told what to think.

I know what I know, I see what I see, I think what my brain tells me.

Without me, this Universe does not exist, you die when I die, think on that my friend.

I'll second that artisan.
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No I cant.

I am one of the few people on this planet that refuses to accept being told what to think.

I know what I know, I see what I see, I think what my brain tells me.

Without me, this Universe does not exist, you die when I die, think on that my friend.


The problem with that approach to life is that you can only bask in your own wisdom, instead of basking in the wisdom of billions.

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that would be "nothing" then.

Amazing, in the very same thread where you condemn scientists as amongst other things "conceited" and "arrogant" you declare that there is "nothing" you don't comprehend :roll:


No I cant.

I am one of the few people on this planet that refuses to accept being told what to think.

I know what I know, I see what I see, I think what my brain tells me.

Without me, this Universe does not exist, you die when I die, think on that my friend.

Solipsism is hardly an original idea, if you had the sense & humility to look outside your unjustly smug self once in a while you'd realise that.


I know that the sum total of human knowledge both in it's breadth and depth is such that there are all manner of things understood in immense detail by others that I can never even begin to understand at even the most superficial level, even if I had the potential to which in many cases I don't.


However at-least by acknowledging this and doing what I can to try and learn something from others it would seem I already know a good deal more that you do for all your self satisfied sweeping declarations about what it is possible for others to comprehend.

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The problem with that approach to life is that you can only bask in your own wisdom, instead of basking in the wisdom of billions.
If you was to disregard everything that you've ever been told - everything that's ever been written - everything that you've watched on tv... what would you know for certain?
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That would be "nothing" then... did you find "nothing"?



The thread seems to have gone round in circles half a dozen times or more, I maybe wrong with that presumption.


In your own words (just to clear things up) how do you interpret "nothing"? I mean that from the perspective of how you've always understood the meaning rather than you going to google.


If within the thread you've already explained that could you point towards it?

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