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What existed before the big bang? Something must have!

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Amazing, in the very same thread where you condemn scientists as amongst other things "conceited" and "arrogant" you declare that there is "nothing" you don't comprehend :roll:
Nope!, I didn't declare any such thing. The flow of conversation went as follows:



So what did you find?



Something beyond your comprehension.



That would be "nothing" then.


Do you see what I've done?.. do you see how I used quotation marks to emphasize "nothing"?, I did this deliberately in order to clarify that I was actually referring to "nothing", which should never be confused with not nothing. I'd have thought someone of your intelligence would have realised that.






Posted by Plekhanov

Solipsism is hardly an original idea, if you had the sense & humility to look outside your unjustly smug self once in a while you'd realise that.


I know that the sum total of human knowledge both in it's breadth and depth is such that there are all manner of things understood in immense detail by others that I can never even begin to understand at even the most superficial level, even if I had the potential to which in many cases I don't.


However at-least by acknowledging this and doing what I can to try and learn something from others it would seem I already know a good deal more that you do for all your self satisfied sweeping declarations about what it is possible for others to comprehend.

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If you was to disregard everything that you've ever been told - everything that's ever been written - everything that you've watched on tv... what would you know for certain?

Little of any use. Humans are a cultural species and our success is down to being taught by each other.


Science is the best tool ever devised or ever likely to be devised for assessing the value of what others teach us and generating new and useful knowledge to pass on to others.


A great man once said "If I have seen further it is only by standing on the shoulders of giants" he was one of the greatest geniuses who ever lived yet he was acutely aware that his achievements were built upon the work of others. Now in contrast and opposed to Newton who achieved so much in this thread we have you and artisan a couple of solipsists who far from being any kind of geniuses are most likely in the bottom quartile of the population. Yet you seem to think you know better than everyone else alive or who's ever lived on every subject and that your own limitations define the limits of humanity as a whole.

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Nope!, I didn't declare any such thing. The flow of conversation went as follows:



So what did you find?



Something beyond your comprehension.



That would be "nothing" then.


Do you see what I've done?.. do you see how I used quotation marks to emphasize "nothing"?, I did this deliberately in order to clarify that I was actually referring to "nothing", which should never be confused with not nothing. I'd have thought someone of your intelligence would have realised that.


If nothing is beyond your comprehension then I'm sure you wont mind supplying us with an odd perfect number.

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That I was back in the stone-age?
In the greater scheme of things - you are in the stone age. You are equivalent to one of billions of micro organisms, that reside on a rock at the bottom of the ocean. crediting themselves on an unfounded presumption that "nothing" existed before water.
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In the greater scheme of things - you are in the stone age. You are equivalent to one of billions of micro organisms, that reside on a rock at the bottom of the ocean. crediting themselves on an unfounded presumption that "nothing" existed before water.

:huh: And you can demonstrated the micro organisms have the capacity to "credit" themselves with anything can you?


Your nonsensical analogy aside it is you who is in the mental stone or more precisely dark age in your instance on arbitrarily rejecting concepts you find in any way counter intuitive regardless of how much evidence there is to support them combined with your blinkered insistence that if you can't comprehend something nobody can.

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In the greater scheme of things - you are in the stone age. You are equivalent to one of billions of micro organisms, that reside on a rock at the bottom of the ocean. crediting themselves on an unfounded presumption that "nothing" existed before water.



How profound :rolleyes: I wonder if anyone aside from yourself found it so...

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Little of any use. Humans are a cultural species and our success is down to being taught by each other.


Science is the best tool ever devised or ever likely to be devised for assessing the value of what others teach us and generating new and useful knowledge to pass on to others.


A great man once said "If I have seen further it is only by standing on the shoulders of giants" he was one of the greatest geniuses who ever lived yet he was acutely aware that his achievements were built upon the work of others. Now in contrast and opposed to Newton who achieved so much in this thread we have you and artisan a couple of solipsists who far from being any kind of geniuses are most likely in the bottom quartile of the population. Yet you seem to think you know better than everyone else alive or who's ever lived on every subject and that your own limitations define the limits of humanity as a whole.

You persist in attaching your sentiments to my argument. Your accusation that, 'I consider myself smarter than our scientific forefathers', doesn't relate to my argument, it only relates to your perceived point of view.
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The thread seems to have gone round in circles half a dozen times or more, I maybe wrong with that presumption.


In your own words (just to clear things up) how do you interpret "nothing"? I mean that from the perspective of how you've always understood the meaning rather than you going to google.


If within the thread you've already explained that could you point towards it?

If you mean the general term of nothing, I'd describe it as:, being without - not having something.


If you mean the scientific term of "nothing" :. I'd describe it as incomprehensible - Beyond understanding - unexplainable.

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If you mean the general term of nothing, I'd describe it as:, being without - not having something.


If you mean the scientific term of "nothing" :. I'd describe it as incomprehensible - Beyond understanding - unexplainable.



So what is the point of someone explaining something to you that is incomprehensible to you as you've clearly demonstrated?

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