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What existed before the big bang? Something must have!

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I was under the impression that stars formed in nebulae!.



"nebula" means a lot of different things in astronomy - one of which is, indeed, a huge cloud of gas in the process of turning into one or more stars. The Orion nebula is one such example.


Other nebulae might consist of huge clouds of dust which sit doing nothing. They might have stars inside them, or might not.

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"nebula" means a lot of different things in astronomy - one of which is, indeed, a huge cloud of gas in the process of turning into one or more stars. The Orion nebula is one such example.


Other nebulae might consist of huge clouds of dust which sit doing nothing. They might have stars inside them, or might not.


So with regards to my earlier suggestion - new stars may well be forming around the edge of galaxies then?..

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So with regards to my earlier suggestion - new stars may well be forming around the edge of galaxies then?..


To some extent, they are. Not in anything like a large enough extent to support a hypothesis that the "red shift" is caused by galaxies collapsing inwards, with new star formation masking the collapse.



Of course, I can't reproduce the observations and calculations here, that lead to that conclusion. I'm not even capable of doing them myself, I have to trust in the books that are written by people who are.

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First things first. Have you had a think about the question I asked following your snipe Jack?..

Hi Danot.


I ignored the sniping in order to try to provide some positive input to the thread.


If you'd like to engage with my input, which was provided to help you understand the issues with which you are trying to deal, let me know. If not, no problem; I'll revert to lurking mode.


See, Danot, the above and your post to which I reply is very telling.


I offered some information which should have helped you to understand why your suggestions re. galaxy shrinking were fundamentally flawed. You, however, chose to focus on a point which would continue the arguments and sniping.


That, in conjunction with most of your input on this thread points to "troll" rather than "a person who wishes to discuss his ideas and expand his horizons" so, really, honestly, do you fancy engaging with posts 712 and 713 or should I just opt out again?

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Hi Danot.


I ignored the sniping in order to try to provide some positive input to the thread.


If you'd like to engage with my input, which was provided to help you understand the issues with which you are trying to deal, let me know. If not, no problem; I'll revert to lurking mode.


See, Danot, the above and your post to which I reply is very telling.


I offered some information which should have helped you to understand why your suggestions re. galaxy shrinking were fundamentally flawed. You, however, chose to focus on a point which would continue the arguments and sniping.


That, in conjunction with most of your input on this thread points to "troll" rather than "a person who wishes to discuss his ideas and expand his horizons" so, really, honestly, do you fancy engaging with posts 712 and 713 or should I just opt out again?

you had a snipe at me jack, apparently in agreement with the unfounded accusations that someone made against me. But If you're not prepared to back up the comments you made that's fine, we'll draw a line under it, stop the sniping and move on for the benefit of the thread. I'm happy to do that.
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you had a snipe at me jack, apparently in agreement with the unfounded accusations that someone made against me. But If you're not prepared to back up the comments you made that's fine, we'll draw a line under it, stop the sniping and move on for the benefit of the thread. I'm happy to do that.




Now engage with posts 712 and 713. We could make some good progress here...

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No!, nothing would be moving towards us, everything would become more distant, because the mass of all galaxies would be decreasing in size.


EDIT: What if new star systems are continually being created towards the outer edges of galaxies, that way galaxies wouldn't lose any mass, and from our positioning within the galaxy, as we travel through space towards the centre of it, space would be being stretched by the by the black hole at the centre, making everything in all direction more distant from us.




Now engage with posts 712 and 713. We could make some good progress here...

Yes, you are correct on both counts. Sorry jack, I'll have to continue this with you tomorrow. hopefully argument free;)
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So with regards to my earlier suggestion - new stars may well be forming around the edge of galaxies then?..


But not in a way that alters the mass of the galaxy as they form from material already present.


Nor do black holes alter the mass of a galaxy, as mass is pretty much the one physical property that they don't destroy.

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