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What existed before the big bang? Something must have!

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It was mind boggling the first time I thought about it, hard to imagine a concept with no time or what existed before time, it makes sense for a God to have done all of this, and lift this great conundrum from our puny human minds


But invoking a God as creator does not remove the conundrum. It actually makes the question a bigger one, since we now don't know where the God came from.

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It was mind boggling the first time I thought about it, hard to imagine a concept with no time or what existed before time, it makes sense for a God to have done all of this, and lift this great conundrum from our puny human minds

Good point, what good ever came out of using our "puny human minds" to try to learn about and understand the universe we live in :roll:

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But invoking a God as creator does not remove the conundrum. It actually makes the question a bigger one, since we now don't know where the God came from.


The idea would be that God, by it's very nature, would be, by definition, uncreated and always existing- literally incapable of not existing.


That could not be the case with the physical universe, as matter/energy is in need of being caused.

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The idea would be that God, by it's very nature, would be, by definition, uncreated and always existing- literally incapable of not existing.


That could not be the case with the physical universe, as matter/energy is in need of being caused.

The idiocy of attempting to define things into existence was dealt with in this thread long ago.

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The idiocy of attempting to define things into existence was dealt with in this thread long ago.


Maybe to your satisfaction, but not to all.

What put the singularity into place?

We are doing the same thing now with the Hydron Collider.

Creating instantaneous singularities.

They may be instantaneous to us, but how we know that billions of years have not passed on them?

Think about things, instead of rejecting them out of hand, because they do not suit your ideas.

The Universe may be the result of some collider elsewhere.

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The idiocy of attempting to define things into existence was dealt with in this thread long ago.


If God is, by nature and by definition, always-existing, uncreated and incapable of non-existence, then there is no way God could be 'defined into existence' is there?


Because, to define something into existence requires that it does not exist prior to the act- which, if God is by nature and by definition, always-existing, uncreated and incapable of non-existence, could not be the case.


Similarly, we can define a triangle as having three sides, but the fact remains that all triangles had three sides prior to our act of definition.



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