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What existed before the big bang? Something must have!

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No- it cannot exist in our universe/space-time.


We're talking about nothingness existing, as some put it 'before' the big-bang, or, perhaps more acurately, outside of the context of our space-time.


Specifically, Hawking seemed to be claiming that the universe could create itself out of 'nothing'- which i personally have serious doubts about.


Nevertheless, to discuss that possibility, it's necessary to clarify what nothingness is.


It is impossible for us describe, or even conceive what non existence is, as we are a product of this Universe.

We have a beginning and an end, both physical and mental.

Even the great philosophers and theoreticians cannot explain this, as any one who has read Hawking's attempt to explain it will readily understand.

If he doesn't know, how can we?

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That's nice and succinct artisan. Thanks.


So there wasn't empty space (like a hole) and there was nothing surrounding it, so no balloon type thing, no gravity, no magnetism, no atmosphere and yet here we are.


Now there's food for thought!


Try and forget the idea of space, that is impossible I know, but try.

The singularity is not expanding into anything, as beyond the boundary of the universe, that is it.

No vacuum, no hole, no anything.

It is impossible for the human brain to understand.

As the boundary moves on, space and time are being created continually.


I have given up trying to envisage it, as I always, as you are doing, come back to the idea that it is expanding into some empty space.


But no space exists beyond, as there is no beyond.:help::hihi:

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Try and forget the idea of space, that is impossible I know, but try.

The singularity is not expanding into anything, as beyond the boundary of the universe, that is it.

No vacuum, no hole, no anything.

It is impossible for the human brain to understand.

As the boundary moves on, space and time are being created continually.


I have given up trying to envisage it, as I always, as you are doing, come back to the idea that it is expanding into some empty space.


But no space exists beyond, as there is no beyond.:help::hihi:


I have heard of pushing out the boundaries, but that takes it to another dimension. :D

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I have heard of pushing out the boundaries, but that takes it to another dimension. :D


Indeed, but take it further.

Those amazingly powerful conditions that took place at the singularitys first expansion, are still occurring at the Universes perimiter. What a vast unimaginable area that must cover by now.

And still the power is there, and will be forever it seems.


It is when I think of these things that I reach the only conclusion a man can have.

God, or some creator caused all this, for some strange reason.

Not for the one I was taught at school, to repopulate heaven, that is for sure.

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It is when I think of these things that I reach the only conclusion a man can have.

God, or some creator caused all this, for some strange reason.

Not for the one I was taught at school, to repopulate heaven, that is for sure.


You may think that, but it's certainly far from science's point if view.


And certainly not mine.


I don't want to get off topic here but I'd accept the universe was created by magic pixies before I accepted that a man-made god wove the universe into being...

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You may think that, but it's certainly far from science's point if view.


And certainly not mine.


I don't want to get off topic here but I'd accept the universe was created by magic pixies before I accepted that a man-made god wove the universe into being...


The fact that you believe in magic and all that stuff does not detract from the origin of the universe.

You have no scientific knowlegde so stop butting in will you.

This talk of fairies and pixies should make you blush.

The things you believe in were disproved centuries ago.

Pixies, by god how can you be so silly.

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Indeed, but take it further.

Those amazingly powerful conditions that took place at the singularitys first expansion, are still occurring at the Universes perimiter. What a vast unimaginable area that must cover by now.

And still the power is there, and will be forever it seems.


It is when I think of these things that I reach the only conclusion a man can have.

God, or some creator caused all this, for some strange reason.

Not for the one I was taught at school, to repopulate heaven, that is for sure.


The more I learn the more convinced I become of the truth of the Bible and a Creator God who said


"In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.



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You may think that, but it's certainly far from science's point if view.


And certainly not mine.


I don't want to get off topic here but I'd accept the universe was created by magic pixies before I accepted that a man-made god wove the universe into being...


I would accept a magic pixie who is only "a rose by another name" we call God.



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I can accept those things exist even though I might have difficulty visualising them, but to say 'nothing' exists has to be a contradiction in terms?


This is a natural human failing, but it is, nevertheless, a failing. The word "nothing" is a privative; it describes an absence of things, and doesn't exist in its own right.


"Nothing exists" is equivalent to saying "No thing exists;" in this case, no anything. No light, no space, no matter, no energy, no vacuum, no emptiness; nothing. When we go on to talk about the "nothing" in its own right, we are falling into a semantical trap and forgetting that it's an abbreviation for "absence of anything."

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