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What existed before the big bang? Something must have!

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There was no "bang" in the sense of an explosion. The phrase "big bang" was applied to the hypothesis by scientists who thought it was a silly one; once it was proven to be an accurate one, the name stuck.


The name 'big bang' was a ridicule name coined by Fred Hoyle back in the 50's.

He was a believer in the steady state theory, that is where the Universe is constant and unchanging.

He was in a debate, and said 'of course if you want to think it all began in a 'big bang', ridiculing his opponents'

The press liked the term and it stuck.


Of course, the singualarity did not go off with a big bang at all.

It just began expanding, similar to a balloon being inflated, and continues to do so.

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The fact that you believe in magic and all that stuff does not detract from the origin of the universe.

You have no scientific knowlegde so stop butting in will you.

This talk of fairies and pixies should make you blush.

The things you believe in were disproved centuries ago.

Pixies, by god how can you be so silly.


Ha ha ha. I bow before your fierce rebuttal. I'm praying you're kidding here. I really hope you are :hihi:


But I do have a few issues with this post:


1. Who believes in magic? I certainly don't. I believe exclusively in the power of myself and my (our) ability to shape the world in a positive manner wherever possible. I don't believe in ghosts, either.


2. I have a Masters in Contemporary Science and one of my oldest friends is the Head Professor of Physics at Leeds University. We discuss this topic a great deal; so I hardly know "nothing" (but then again, what does any of us really know about this subject?).


3. I've not blushed since the '80s.


4. This is a public forum and I'm pretty sure I can 'but in' whenever I like. Plus, I've been a regular contributor here for years now and people pretty much know my positive character.


Your turn. But, be NICE



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The more I learn the more convinced I become of the truth of the Bible and a Creator God who said


"In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.



It was Jesus who said that, who had about as much knowledge of the Universe as next doors cat.

He was speaking in philosophical terms, not scientific.

The Bible bears no relation to the origin of the Universe, except perhaps for the 'Let there be Light' bit.

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It was Jesus who said that, who had about as much knowledge of the Universe as next doors cat.

He was speaking in philosophical terms, not scientific.

The Bible bears no relation to the origin of the Universe, except perhaps for the 'Let there be Light' bit.


I know Jesus said it, and for me he was God incarnate. :)

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Ha ha ha. I bow before your fierce rebuttal. I'm praying you're kidding here. I really hope you are :hihi:


But I do have a few issues with this post:


1. Who believes in magic? I certainly don't. I believe exclusively in the power of myself and my (our) ability to shape the world in a positive manner wherever possible. I don't believe in ghosts, either.


2. I have a Masters in Contemporary Science and one of my oldest friends is the Head Professor of Physics at Leeds University. We discuss this topic a great deal; so I hardly know "nothing" (but then again, what does any of us really know about this subject?).


3. I've not blushed since the '80s.


4. This is a public forum and I'm pretty sure I can 'but in' whenever I like. Plus, I've been a regular contributor here for years now and people pretty much know my positive character.


Your turn. But, be NICE




You should know me by now then.

Dont ever take what may be seen as an insult by heart.

I dont really mean any personal things I may say, they are just getting my revenge in first. ;)


When otherwise intelligent people begin talking like fools it really irritates me.

This 'sky pixies', and 'faeries' is a complete wind up for me, and the red mist comes down.


It is not ridicule, it is stupidity.

And stupid fools I cannot contemplate.

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No. No it's not!


Why is this such a hard concept to fathom? It's been explained several times on this thread.


Adding the words "Full Stop" does not give your statement any more weight (in fact, it's a wholly bizarre practice)!


I can add anything I want to my posts if I want to.


If you can't think out of the box and grasp abstract concepts don't post.


Now play nice.

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I know Jesus said it, and for me he was God incarnate. :)


Yes, I can accept that.

He was also a very well connected and educated man.

To be visited at birth by three ambassadors, smuggled away to save his life, and to be a Rabii before the age of 30 is some going, is it not.


So as well as giving us the laws by which we live our lives, why did he not give us the laws of the Universe as well.

As part of the Trinity, He knew these .

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Yes, I can accept that.

He was also a very well connected and educated man.

To be visited at birth by three ambassadors, smuggled away to save his life, and to be a Rabii before the age of 30 is some going, is it not.


So as well as giving us the laws by which we live our lives, why did he not give us the laws of the Universe as well.

As part of the Trinity, He knew these .


I don't think the words existed in those days and also I don't think people would have had a clue what he was talking about which is why he used parables and the imagery we are talking about.


Just my view mind you. :)


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I can add anything I want to my posts if I want to.


If you can't think out of the box and grasp abstract concepts don't post.


Now play nice.


Its ironic that you're telling me I can't understand abstract concepts, but this forum wouldn't be nearly as much fun without all the posters posting all their opinions...


That said: nothing is not something. Full Stop.

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