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What existed before the big bang? Something must have!

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Some things are beyond human comprehension, and this is one of those things. It is impossible for nothing to exist and then something to emerge from nothing; to accept that it is possible would require us to completely rething the nature of reality.

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It defies all logic. For nothing to have existed prior to the big bang would imply that nothing, not even space existed. Which raises the question,'if space didn't exist, then what is the universe expanding into. There has to be space to allow for expansion.


It's all about time-space and without either there is nothing. Therefore to suggest before it meaningless, as there was no time OR space before the Big Bang.


There's a lot of questions bandied about like 'what was before' or 'what's outside of...?' and most of those questions are meaningless and little more than human concepts that simply don't apply in certain physical situations.


To clarify: the universe is expanding but it's not expanding INTO anything as it's its universe.

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nothing existed before the bigbang, except the love of god.

which will ilve for aye


Have you had a little too much of 'The Blood'?



Oops, just realised that this thread is over 3 years old. Probably had plenty of it by now.

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