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Lefties - rioting

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What about people who share your belifes, but can't afford to carry them out? Like for example a family from the 80's who's dad used to work down't pit?


they wont need a car and could grow their own food. They can not get a telly so they wont need sky etc. There is always a choice and the right one is often harder. But if they won't buy british supporting their economy and keeping themselves in jobs why should anyone else!


I am happy to go without if I can't afford the option I agree with! And we are talking about your beliefs as you are the one moaning about the miners.


I also completely disbelieve that your food is 100% british as I know how hard that is!

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they wont need a car and could grow their own food. They can not get a telly so they wont need sky etc. There is always a choice and the right one is often harder. But if they won't buy british supporting their economy and keeping themselves in jobs why should anyone else!


I am happy to go without if I can't afford the option I agree with! And we are talking about your beliefs as you are the one moaning about the miners.


I also completely disbelieve that your food is 100% british as I know how hard that is!


Well good for you! But you are one in a million & you obviously don't have children do you?

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That is completely random and irrelevant:loopy:


I didnt say I was that great either but thanks for the compliment:D


Why is it?


If you are happy go without things just because they are not 100% british, then good on you!

But you can't start judging families because they don't do the same. Some prople have no choice do they? Whether they want to or not. Families with children would rather see their kids have a good christmas than see them not get what they want just so mum & dad can get their food from the local farm shop instead of sainsburys.

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Why is it?


If you are happy go without things just because they are not 100% british, then good on you!

But you can't start judging families because they don't do the same. Some prople have no choice do they? Whether they want to or not. Families with children would rather see their kids have a good christmas than see them not get what they want just so mum & dad can get their food from the local farm shop instead of sainsburys.


That is their choice but its still a choice! I dont agree with the attitude that you have to spend lots of money to have a good christmas. A fab turkey from the local farm shop with no chemicals added would be a much higher priority for me than lots of plastic landfill fodder. Dont judge me because I disagree with you!


your "point" was still irrelevant and now you are bringing christmas into it.

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That is their choice but its still a choice! I dont agree with the attitude that you have to spend lots of money to have a good christmas. A fab turkey from the local farm shop with no chemicals added would be a much higher priority for me than lots of plastic landfill fodder. Dont judge me because I disagree with you!


your "point" was still irrelevant and now you are bringing christmas into it.


My point is quite relevent thank you. If you had kids, you would think different. Try telling your son that you didn't buy him the PS3 that he wanted because you would rather feed him a nice turkey at christmas!

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you can't moan about businesses closing if you aren't willing to purchase their product!


I buy as much british produce as I can because I want people to be fairly paid for the work they do. Some things aren't available in britain and then I buy from abroad. If you don't do this you can hardly complain when british businesses shut down.


Every purchase you make is a vote. Its probably more important than voting in an election, it drives the direction of the economy and you vote every day many times a day.



Just one thing wrong with that - Britain hardly makes or produces anything anymore, good are generally imported and the few jobs which are in the UK tend to be in foreigned owned businesses. e.g. HP - The Great Unbritish Sauce, Rolls Royce, M&S etc etc ... the list is endless.

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I wasn't suggesting that two wrongs make a right. When it comes to lobbying I don't have a huge problem providing that it is transparent and not clearly setting policy. Unions input is very valuable of course but I draw the line at them running the party.


I would think that the path between ministerial office and company boardroom is much busier than that between office and union, tho I have no figures to back it up.


I'd also say that a union has a more legitimate claim to being democratic and affecting the democratic process than a lobbying organisation.

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