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Lefties - rioting

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Just one thing wrong with that - Britain hardly makes or produces anything anymore, good are generally imported and the few jobs which are in the UK tend to be in foreigned owned businesses. e.g. HP - The Great Unbritish Sauce, Rolls Royce, M&S etc etc ... the list is endless.


but why? I think part of it is because the goods we make have to cost the consumer more because of the minimum wages, pensions and benefits etc. You can't ask for all these things from the government whilst moaning that prices are too high and that we don't make enough stuff.

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but why? I think part of it is because the goods we make have to cost the consumer more because of the minimum wages, pensions and benefits etc. You can't ask for all these things from the government whilst moaning that prices are too high and that we don't make enough stuff.


Forget it then! Everything is OK with the world isn't it? Lets all sit on our back sides (or at our desks, on forums, when we should be at work) & watch corrie & eastenders or something else to take our mind off reality!!

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Forget it then! Everything is OK with the world isn't it? Lets all sit on our back sides (or at our desks, on forums, when we should be at work) & watch corrie & eastenders or something else to take our mind off reality!!


good argument you win:hihi:


when you read sentences do you replace all the words before deciding on the sentences meaning?

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I would think that the path between ministerial office and company boardroom is much busier than that between office and union, tho I have no figures to back it up.


I'd also say that a union has a more legitimate claim to being democratic and affecting the democratic process than a lobbying organisation.


Surely part of the point of having MP's is so that we can lobby them about stuff that affects you? If you are concerned about local graffiti in your gennel you can lobby your MP about it just the same as a trade body representing Nigerian kumquat importers might lobby about import tarrifs.


Whether that is as an individual or as a business or as a union I really don't see a difference, providing that it is transparent. The line that I drew earlier is where the lobbying comes with finances attached that substantially support the political organisation concerned.

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Yes New Labour were open to free markets but their social policies are straight out of the marxist handbook.


1ofthesedays i'm gonna cut you into little pieces!


New Labour did a lot for the working families. they just could have been more cost efficient.

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