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Lefties - rioting

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I have absolutely no wish to riot. I suspect very few others do either.


If the democratically elected government fail to represent the wishes of the people who elected them, the people are free to vote in an alternative government who do.


However, what happens when no Government represents the wishes of the people? Or are all corrupt? Or have hidden agendas? Or put their own vested interests before those of the country? Or lie to the people? Or legislate themselves more power and become iremovable...?


This seems to be pretty much the state we're in now. Let's not forget that successive poor governments are much to blame for the continuing decline of Britain and our way of life. The poor get poorer, (and it hasn't even begun yet...) While the super rich get nicely richer, thankyou.


Now tell me, how do you stop this state of affairs?

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I have absolutely no wish to riot. I suspect very few others do either.


If the democratically elected government fail to represent the wishes of the people who elected them, the people are free to vote in an alternative government who do.


However, what happens when no Government represents the wishes of the people? Or are all corrupt? Or have hidden agendas? Or put their own vested interests before those of the country? Or lie to the people? Or legislate themselves more power and become iremovable...?


This seems to be pretty much the state we're in now. Let's not forget that successive poor governments are much to blame for the continuing decline of Britain and our way of life. The poor get poorer, (and it hasn't even begun yet...) While the super rich get nicely richer, thankyou.


Now tell me, how do you stop this state of affairs?


We could ask them nicely?

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This attitude and the prevalence of it kind of depresses me.


The government and police and military are not our masters, they are our servants. If they will not listen to us what choice do we have?


The French have a long and admirable tradition of standing up to their government which they passed on to the Americans, in this regard I envy them both.


T'other road round Jimmy.

The Colonies in America kicked off against the useless King George, and the French were also at war with England, so King Louis sent his army and navy to help the Yankees, and as we know they won.

The French troops then went back home to the dire hole that was France at that time, and, inspired by what they had seen in America, fought and won The French Revolution, a thing to inspire us all, in my opinion.

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