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Lefties - rioting

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I was waiting for someone to blame the police :roll:


Blame other people for their criminal acts .


But it was the police who started the orgreave riots! They were waving £10 notes in the minors faces, taunting them.

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Why do some lefties want to riot when they don't agree with the elected government. Is it arrogance or just plain, uncontrollable aggression? I didn't agree with so much of the last governments wasteful and reckless spending, changing our way of life and culture of our country, but I didn't threaten to riot. Please explain yourselves.


It's the polar opposite of arrogance - it's what happens when the masses are ignored for too long by those ruling their country... It changes societies when enough people do it, and in the right way (need to have a stratergy) but sadly England has a very poor record of rioting and so we simply complain when the government doesn't suit us... Moaning never got anything done, but action can and does!

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Clive Betts in drag




The 'lefties' riot because we DID NOT elect a tory govt. It was only a pact they made with Cleggy the devils advocate that put them in the drivers seat. I feel we are going to see a lot more rioting before this Parliament is over.

Cleggy is a disgrace to humanity, a complete tosser who prostituted his principles to get a position. Spout all the crap you like, Con-Dems, you KNOW its true.

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Okay, lets gets some hopefully factual things down here before we get carried away and portray 'lefties' as rioting, child eating homocidal maniacs.


Firstly, maybe some clarity on exactly what you mean by 'lefty', do you mean someone who votes Labour, a Socialist or a Marxist, or simply someone whos not a right wing nationalist? Do clarify please as its very important.


I cant see that 'lefties' always riot any more than any other group of people, sure some socialist groups will protest and unfortuantely it may result in violence but that may be on account of individuals who spoil the protest. Not disimilar to Football fans and the element of football hooligans really, end result is ALL football fans get the blame" same with socialists.


If anyone is going to start referring to Russia as a Communist country and how it failed and all the genocide etc etc, then.....I wont disagree for one minute with the factual events of Russian history, however, Russia was Communist by name and totalitarian by nature. That is NOT communism as per Karl Marx.


Lastly in some ways thank god some people actually do riot or protest when they feel they have no other choice, I look back at the events of the miners strikes 80's and totally understand why miners acted as they did and support their actions.... ie Their lives, incomes, families and communities were about to be destroyed.


Again, thank god people do riot or protest as some of the great advances in society are as a result of collective action...Civil Rights movement, Feminist movement, Gay rights.


I would rather be a 'lefty' than a state lap dog, crawling around on all fours.

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Okay, lets gets some hopefully factual things down here before we get carried away and portray 'lefties' as rioting, child eating homocidal maniacs.


Firstly, maybe some clarity on exactly what you mean by 'lefty', do you mean someone who votes Labour, a Socialist or a Marxist, or simply someone whos not a right wing nationalist? Do clarify please as its very important.


I cant see that 'lefties' always riot any more than any other group of people, sure some socialist groups will protest and unfortuantely it may result in violence but that may be on account of individuals who spoil the protest. Not disimilar to Football fans and the element of football hooligans really, end result is ALL football fans get the blame" same with socialists.


If anyone is going to start referring to Russia as a Communist country and how it failed and all the genocide etc etc, then.....I wont disagree for one minute with the factual events of Russian history, however, Russia was Communist by name and totalitarian by nature. That is NOT communism as per Karl Marx.


Lastly in some ways thank god some people actually do riot or protest when they feel they have no other choice, I look back at the events of the miners strikes 80's and totally understand why miners acted as they did and support their actions.... ie Their lives, incomes, families and communities were about to be destroyed.


Again, thank god people do riot or protest as some of the great advances in society are as a result of collective action...Civil Rights movement, Feminist movement, Gay rights.


I would rather be a 'lefty' than a state lap dog, crawling around on all fours.


I fear Cameron/Clegg will destroy all we class as fair and just in society.

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Why do some lefties want to riot when they don't agree with the elected government. Is it arrogance or just plain, uncontrollable aggression? I didn't agree with so much of the last governments wasteful and reckless spending, changing our way of life and culture of our country, but I didn't threaten to riot. Please explain yourselves.


Riots usually require a substantial number of like minded people to be effective. Those people have to be in a position where they have nothing or very little to lose. Most riots start as demonstrations and then escalate into riots. This can be due to a number of factors such as police provocation or infiltration by anarchists/extremists.


But back to the main point, you cannot have an effective one man riot. And you would struggle to find enough capitalists willing to risk their liberty for a cause which they all would support. The nearest thing we have had to this were the farmers fuel protests in 2000, when they tried to hold the country to ransom by blockading refineries. As soon as the police pointed out that they were breaking the law, they retreated to a legal position of peaceful demonstration.


Now, if these farmers (and truckers) were that desperate, then they would have stood their ground and fought the police. They didn't, of course, because they are capitalists. They have a stake in the system, and no matter how hard tax rises etc bite, they cannot afford to risk undermining the system that provides them with the opportunity to make lots of money.

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I fear Cameron/Clegg will destroy all we class as fair and just in society.


I dont hold out much hope to be honest but well, lets see whats in stall.

Conservativism is ultimately an ideology, a way of looking at the world and society and it comes from a certain perspective, if we look back to the last conservative govt, their track record isnt what I would call an all inclusive one lol!

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Another perfect example is the recent G20 riots . vast damage was caused by these people ,and then when their violence is met by a stern response from the police ,they start bleating and screaming "police brutality".


I should point out in the interests of factual accuracy that the man who died at the G20 demonstrations (Ian Tomlinson) was a newspaper seller and not actually taking part in the demonstrations (link).


Apparently, in your eyes, assault is considered a "measured response" to a public demonstration, even if you're not actually part of the demonstration!


The video of the incident can be viewed

. Notice, especially in the slowed-down version, how Tomlinson is walking away from the police, his back to them, minding his own business as he walks home from work, before he is struck from behind, with no provocation (Tomlinson clearly has his hands in his pockets and is posing no threat as one officer hits him in the legs with his baton).


So let's look at your statement again:


and then when their violence is met by a stern response from the police


Violence? What violence? Was he wriggling his arse in a provocative manner or something?

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