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Lefties - rioting

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Don't be ridiculous! The miners were having their livelyhood taken away from them by the Thatcher's government! They had no choice but to strike! Wouldn't you stand up for your way of life, whether it was legal or not?? Or would you have been a SCAB???


The met police were taunting them & therefore inciting the violence that took place!


I think their livelyhood went away because the business wasn't viable!

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I think their livelyhood went away because the business wasn't viable!


at last someone makes the real point!! mining wasnt viable due to the greedy miners and the greedy union leaders SCARGILL ET ALL, i believe the union still pays for their glorious leader??, same for the steel, car, airline ,BRITISH industries, no wonder british industry has gone!! if you want to look for blame, BLAME the unions!!

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We never elect any government. We only ever elect one MP, and the MPs between them make up a government. So that explanation is a non-starter.


If somebody gave you a brain you'd be dangerous. The total electorate did not elect a Tory govt. It was only the horse trading between the Tories and the toadying 'power at any price' libs which produced a shambles of a govt.

We should vote again and shove the traitorous Lib Dems out into oblivion.

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at last someone makes the real point!! mining wasnt viable due to the greedy miners and the greedy union leaders SCARGILL ET ALL, i believe the union still pays for their glorious leader??, same for the steel, car, airline ,BRITISH industries, no wonder british industry has gone!! if you want to look for blame, BLAME the unions!!


I think education was wasted on you pal. What a plonker..............:loopy:

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If somebody gave you a brain you'd be dangerous. The total electorate did not elect a Tory govt. It was only the horse trading between the Tories and the toadying 'power at any price' libs which produced a shambles of a govt.

We should vote again and shove the traitorous Lib Dems out into oblivion.


....along with Labour....Tory majority government!

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I remember the good old days when we worked 70hrs a week down the pit, digging coal with a blunt spoon, all for a shilling.

Ruined it for us them unions.


Bare hands, me mate, no luxuries like a blunt spoon, then home to me cardboard box. Them were the days.......................:hihi:

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