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Attack on Abbeydale Rd Saturday 7th 11pm - witnesses needed

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Exactly, even going into a shop and asking them if they can point the CCTV towards it so the police have a chance of identifying them.


Well fingers crossed the Rude Shipyard has CCTV, the police are contacting them to find out if they caught any footage, and are doing door to doors to try to get some more info.

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OMG, i hope he is ok.!! I hate nosey bsds that just stand and gawp and ignore! The same happened outside my living room window. The bloke was beating and dumped round the corner but my daughter called the police and saw it all so she could give a description...

some people seriously annoy me so much!!

Hope they catch them and he recovers. sending my good wishes x

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my blood is boiling reading this hope they catch the scumbags that did it and then that stood and watched and never phoned for help well i hope you never need help yourselves.

My son once helped someone that had been attacked i was so proud of him he took of his shirt and put it under his head till the police and ambulance came he was 19 at the time and could have easily walked away.

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my blood is boiling reading this hope they catch the scumbags that did it and then that stood and watched and never phoned for help well i hope you never need help yourselves.

My son once helped someone that had been attacked i was so proud of him he took of his shirt and put it under his head till the police and ambulance came he was 19 at the time and could have easily walked away.


It just makes me sooo angry. I'm surprised from looking at him yesterday that he didn't have permanent damage to his vision, he was very lucky in that respect....

It takes just a minute of your time to help someone in need like your son did, and makes *all* the difference.

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I know. To be honest, I can't blame the people who did nothing when the blokes were there, it's a matter of personal safety. But to just walk past someone left in that state.... it honest to god breaks my heart. I walked that way last night, and there are pools and trails of blood all across the pavement where he had to drag himself to the road to call for help.....


This is so upsetting. I can totally understand people not intervening, but why, why, why couldn't they have phoned for help? It beggars belief. I do hope he recovers physically and psychologically as soon as possible. He must be devastated, not only by the attack, but by being apparently betrayed by his fellow humans.

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I do hope your friends ok. I hate it when this happens, I once intervened outside a pub years back when someone was getting beat up, not something my hubby wanted me to do, people just stood and watched, but I just couldnt have lived with myself if I hadn't done anything. It could have been a much worse outcome and my oh keeps reminding me of that. I think the worrying thing about your friends attack is the people who stood back and watched, and then did nothing didn't even check if he was ok, this was truly awful. I hope the police catch these scumbags.

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Apparently he called out to a woman who walked past him after the attackers had left, and asked her to help him, to which she replied "I'm pregnant - I don't want to get involved". Involved in WHAT exactly? He just needed someone to call him a damned ambulance, for crying out loud, he was in terrible shock. Poor lad... *shakes head*

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