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Attack on Abbeydale Rd Saturday 7th 11pm - witnesses needed

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I do hope your friends ok. I hate it when this happens, I once intervened outside a pub years back when someone was getting beat up, not something my hubby wanted me to do, people just stood and watched, but I just couldnt have lived with myself if I hadn't done anything.


Yep, me too. I can't bear stuff like this - people must have been driving past in their cars - they could have at least stopped and yelled at the people doing it - after all they could drive away quickly if they needed to. As for not helping your friend after the attackers had left the scene - words fail me. Maybe there'll come a time when they need help and the same happens to them.

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The fact that nobody did anything is the state of our society. If anyone tried to help they would have got a beating themselves. If anyone attacked the idiots then they would have got charged. You can understand why people didn't try to stop the attack but would have thought someone would have helped the guy afterwards.
Over in France, there is criminal charge called "non assistance à personne en danger" (lack of assistance to a person in danger).


If the prosecution finds you (easy enough, with CCTV) and makes it stick (well...how are you going to defend not doing anything, not even calling the Police? EDIT; "being scared" is not a valid defense), you can cop as much as the perps themselves.


After that, I suppose it's a question of which is the strongest motivation, for any given individual: fear of the perps' reaction, or fear of getting a criminal record for doing nothing?

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That's not the way I want justice to work in this country.


Maybe not, but while ever the current justice system offers no deterrent for people doing things like this it is the next best thing.


I'd much rather see people such as them be shot than innocent people getting beaten up for no reason whatsoever.

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Maybe not, but while ever the current justice system offers no deterrent for people doing things like this it is the next best thing.


I'd much rather see people such as them be shot than innocent people getting beaten up for no reason whatsoever.


I think I've come to the wrong forum.

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