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Attack on Abbeydale Rd Saturday 7th 11pm - witnesses needed

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I am lost for words.....shocked, appauled and disgusted what has happened to this young man. Yes the attack is horrendous, but sadly getting more regular in Sheffield BUT what has made the bile in my stomach churn is how he was ignored! I could cry as im writing this, what kind of human being can see someone in a state like this and NOT phone the police and/or ambulance! Scumbags hope the perpetrators rot in hell.

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I think I've come to the wrong forum.


What gives you that impression?, this is Sheffield Forum, where people have strong feeling about guttless, spineless freaks who do things like this, its an opinion, albeit a strong one but isnt that what a forum is for???:loopy:

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I started work a few minutes away at 11pm on Saturday, but didn't see many people knocking about and didn't see anyone walking in a three... Sorry... I probably went down there about 10 to, so well before the attack... I would have called an ambulance for him if I'd have seen him though, at least... Not sure if the police would have been any use though - They aren't normally very useful if you call re incidents around that way... That said, they have been looking witnesses to the dealers having a turf war outside Rude Shipyard a couple of weeks ago...

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Over in France, there is criminal charge called "non assistance à personne en danger" (lack of assistance to a person in danger).


If the prosecution finds you (easy enough, with CCTV) and makes it stick (well...how are you going to defend not doing anything, not even calling the Police? EDIT; "being scared" is not a valid defense), you can cop as much as the perps themselves.


After that, I suppose it's a question of which is the strongest motivation, for any given individual: fear of the perps' reaction, or fear of getting a criminal record for doing nothing?


Is that what is referred to as 'the Samaritan's law', that was referred to during the Princess Di tragedy?

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Let me guess, treat them as victims of a tough upbringing, inform them that what they have done is wrong and then give them another chance?


I think that execution by drug dealer isn't the answer to any crime problem. Who will this hypothetical drug dealer execute next?

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Very saddened to hear about this. I hope you're friend is ok and that he is not too shellshocked. It sounds like he was in the wrong place at the wrong time, but I hope that the police are doing all in their powers to bring these people to justice. To be honest, these people always seem to get what's coming to them, if you bide your time. My grandmother always used to say, that 'God doesn't pay back in money' and that is very true. Are you sure that it wasn't a passer by that alerted the police, so they then found your friend? As for the pregnant lady, I've witnessed pregnancy hormones at work, and women can be quite unfathomable and act totally out of character.

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I think that execution by drug dealer isn't the answer to any crime problem. Who will this hypothetical drug dealer execute next?


I think the idea is that pond life attack and/or kill other pond life, and leave the rest of us to it... It thins them out, where the courts fail to...

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I think that execution by drug dealer isn't the answer to any crime problem. Who will this hypothetical drug dealer execute next?


Some more like himself hopefully! Or he could start on people who are cruel to defenceless animals. Or those who prey on old people. I don't mind really.

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