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Looking for boggy (christopher)marsh off littledale estate

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  • 10 years later...

I know this an old thread but just a few names from the littledale estate 1960 to around 1970.

We hung around in two gangs and regularly played football against each other.

1 tony rogers,kenny and malcolm roddis robin hazlewood,clive buckler,craig and wayne porter,stewart ratcliffe,brian revill.

2 steve lowe,david badger,phil ledger(deceased),ronnie storrs,alan cooper,chris macmillan,

I also remember the cutts,ian maxted,roy mappin pete johnson  john fiddler  many others from the half moon.

George and margaret were the landlords and of course ethel their long time colleague.

Half moon was always packed out every night of the week some great times.

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  • 3 weeks later...

That's correct he did have a vespa. I last saw him in the early nineties he was working as a BT engineer.

He  later suffered from MS and when he was ill the lads named in my previous entry met in Half moon to raise some money for his family.

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I remember Phil Ledger, he had a red SS180 Vespa and he used to hang about in the bowling alley on Queens road. sorry to hear he has died. 

4 minutes ago, briret said:

That's correct he did have a vespa. I last saw him in the early nineties he was working as a BT engineer.

He  later suffered from MS and when he was ill the lads named in my previous entry met in Half moon to raise some money for his family.

I can remember going to his house and he kept the scooter I think it was an outhouse or in the kitchen. I knew him through the scooter scene at the bowling alley and a mutual friend who also lived on the Littledale estate called Dave Rodgers another Vespa rider, after all these years I've still got a Lambretta.


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1 minute ago, briret said:

Dave Rodgers was in my class at junior school ,he knocked around with Phil, Graham Mason and a few others that won't come to mind at the moment, when they got into scooters. Dave had a light blue vespa.  

Can you remember Dave having a bad accident in the Isle of Man? he had his pelvis and other bits badly broken, I went to see him in the Royal Infirmary when he was brought back to Sheffield 

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No I did not know about him having an accident.

To be honest I wasn't too interested in scooters, although I did have an LI150 bought from Dan Bradbury's but when I came off it at the end of Manor Lane due to some loose grit after resurfacing, I decided that was enough for me. I put on my three piece suit and started visiting the pubs down town.

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20 hours ago, briret said:

No I did not know about him having an accident.

To be honest I wasn't too interested in scooters, although I did have an LI150 bought from Dan Bradbury's but when I came off it at the end of Manor Lane due to some loose grit after resurfacing, I decided that was enough for me. I put on my three piece suit and started visiting the pubs down town.

Nothing to do with the original post but your Li 150 experience reminds me of my own.


Lived on Abbey Lane and on a wintery night decided to risk a drive to Dobcroft Rd Youth Club.  Struggled to negotiate the corner at Beauchief traffic lights and scattered the good people waiting in the bus shelter as I drove through them and then back onto the road .

Managed to get there in one piece but the journey back was just as interesting when I braked coming down Dobcroft but carried on into Abbeydale Rd South narrowly avoiding passing vehicles.

Decided that night that it really wasn’t worth the street cred and hung up my parka that night.

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