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Ideas for meeting new people my age (20s) for socialising


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Wow, I think thats at least 10 of us now! I don't know if there's a limit on numbers in a team but we'll just have to split into 2 if there is. Either way it should be a good chance to chat to lots of new people. Maybe our team name should be "I'm not a weirdo...honest"

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Brilliant! Anyone who wants to tag along don't worry about numbers for teams, I'm sure it will be fine and if not we'll break into smaller teams. With regards to finding each other I'll aim to get there just before half 7 and I'll try to claim an area. If u walk into the pub and look to the right of the bar there's a raised area near the toilets so I'll try and claim that for us. I've got long blonde hair, ill be wearing a red coat and I'm pretty short so look out for me. I'm happy to give you my mobile number if you PM me, sorry I know not everyone can do that but for obvious reasons I don't want to post it on here. (you know how it is, weirdos and all :) )

Looking forward to it!

See u all Sunday x

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