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Ideas for meeting new people my age (20s) for socialising


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hi , im in the same sort of situation i moved out my mums after my mums boyfriend beat me and left most of my friends behind and the ones i do syill see are all settled down now with kids and partners, im 26 female and would like to meet new people to go out on the town with instead of staying in on a friday and saturday night.


the girls i work with never have money to go out a lot and have partners themselfs. i keep thinking about havin a house party but noone is ever available .


Hi donluc,

Sorry to hear things aren't too sunny for you at the moment. The only suggestion I have would be to keep an eye on the facebook page mentioned earlier (if you have access) or keep an eye out for updates on this forum - some people have mentioned organising a pub crawl type event so it might be a good opportunity to meet some people? I've met some really nice people on the events I've been to in the last month or so, so would defo recommend it.


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Hi All,


I just came across this post as I was searching for groups. Im looking for people I can meet up with for drinks ect, im married with a three year old and most of my friends seem to have drifted off to uni or are in other areas now. My work too means they are older or not really up for going for drinks, which has resulted in less socialising. Only go out with husband now and I desperately want a social life back, ive joined the facebook group and hope to meet some people just like me. Karrina.

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Hi! Oh my goodness, this is such a good idea! I've asked to join the facebook page, hopefully that's OK with you guys!


My name is Claire, I'm in my 20s, and my only problem is that I have a good small group of friends but I am painfully shy, and find it really hard to meet different people, hopefully this will help!


Claire xx

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Re: last two posts


Same boat here, ladies. 20-something, no kids yet and shy about approaching people for socialising. It would be great to meet some girls of a similar age group to discuss positive things and just hang out.


What is this facebook page that everyone is talking about, please do tell?


And wouldn't it be a nice starting point to start off with one's occupation, likes, preferences ...some vague points of reference to get talking with like-minded people... whaddya think? :P

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Hiya Mimi,


The facebook page is here, or if that doesn't work, just search for Sheffield Social. I'm in my 20s too and have recently moved to the area so I've found it good for meeting new people - everyone's really friendly. It's an open group so everyone's welcome to join. There's a thread on there where a lot of us have put a little intro about ourselves which is a good way to find out a little bit about people who are attending the events you plan to go to!


I'd definitely recommend giving it a try - there's been quite a diverse range of events suggested so far, and I've found everyone really friendly.


Might see you soon!



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Hiya Mimi,


The facebook page is here, or if that doesn't work, just search for Sheffield Social. I'm in my 20s too and have recently moved to the area so I've found it good for meeting new people - everyone's really friendly. It's an open group so everyone's welcome to join. There's a thread on there where a lot of us have put a little intro about ourselves which is a good way to find out a little bit about people who are attending the events you plan to go to!


I'd definitely recommend giving it a try - there's been quite a diverse range of events suggested so far, and I've found everyone really friendly.


Might see you soon!





Oh yayyy! thanks so much!! :D

I'm joining in .... see you there!!


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Hey guys,


i'm in the same boat!!!! Moved back to sheffield after a stint away and now everyone seems to have left! I miss my girly nights out and dvd nights and just general girly banter!!! Let me know if anything gets organised or if anyone wants to meet up for a night out or a few drinks.


Sam xx

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I know theres a lot of threads on here for meeting new people, However (No offence) but its usually people older than 25. Are there any younger members on here 18-25. Maybe even students who have just moved to sheffield. Who fancy meeting new people/mates ect.

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I know theres a lot of threads on here for meeting new people, However (No offence) but its usually people older than 25. Are there any younger members on here 18-25. Maybe even students who have just moved to sheffield. Who fancy meeting new people/mates ect.


Hi Canz,


There is a group here that actually ranges from people aged 19+ (there's not a minimum or maximum either!).


If you've not got facebook theres a thread on SF, here, that will be updated with events :)

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