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Ideas for meeting new people my age (20s) for socialising


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Are you interested in dancing classes? Myself and a couple of friends started going to a street dance class on a Wednesday evening at Hype Dance Academy a few weeks ago and it's really friendly and a good workout at the same time! We've only been going three weeks and have already been out for a drink after class with a couple of the girls there - it's really relaxed, most people are in their mid-twenties.




we go there too! well went for 2 weeks then havent been last 2 weeks as so much work to do, but should be back next weds :)


I'd really recommend this also - i have absolutely no coordination whatsoever, so much to the point where if i try to follow what people are doing with arms my feet end up stood still. its just a bit of fun though, something to do and great for fitness. its a really relaxed atmosphere so def worth trying even if you dont dance.


also you could try going to the forum meets, bit of a mix of ages though but when i used to do the meets years ago i met some of my closest friends this way as those of us in 20s started going out every sat

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Why not give the walking group a try it is advertised on here under Sheffield Interest Groups or you can go directly to their website http://shamblers.forumotion.co.uk/


They have plenty going off apart from walks, (even though the walks are really good with different types of walks to suit everyone) these include evenings out to the cinema, bowling alley, quiz nights, brewery outings also weekends away to Wales, Scarborough and even a week in Turkey.

Its a great way of making new friends and alot of the members see each other outside of the Walking group events and have formed some great friendships.




Im in a similar situation and been thinking of joining the sheffield 20's and 30's walking group but i might give the forum one a look

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Im in a similar situation and been thinking of joining the sheffield 20's and 30's walking group but i might give the forum one a look


We've had a few stragglers come over from the 20's and 30's group and come walking with the Shamblers.


It depends on what you are looking for. Friendships and common interests have no age barriers so by choosing a group with particular age parameters you could be missing out on meeting people that you get on with but who are older/younger.


One of the best and nicest characters the forum walking group ever had was in his 70's and anyone who ever met him would remember him for life. Sadly departed now. :(

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi; Im in a similar situation; came to Sheffield for University but whilst I decided to stay everyone else seems to have paired off and moved away meaning I now know few people in Sheffield so social occasions are usually arranged well in advance and once every few months.

My boyfriend is also in a similar situation and moved here to be with me.

We are wanting to meet and socialise with those in a similar age group; we are both mid 20's (24) living in the Sharrowvale Area and both work.

We enjoy films; bowling; going for drinks;pub quizzes going to gigs and even the occasional walk and picnic weather permitting.

So if anyone wants to meet up and arrange something or just get to know us first send me a message; I am also on facebook but will pass details on in private message.

Loooking forward to meeting some new people.

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Hello everyone!

I recently moved to Sheffield and dont know anyone! (Im 20)

I moved here to live with my boyfriend but it would be nice to have a few friends hehe! I would love to do something like street dance as mentioned before but I work untill 8pm so if anyone knows where I could do this at the weekend please let me know.

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Id be up for arranging something drinks wise maybe on a friday after work at a nice central bar or pub obviously not too noisy to get to know each other; as long as everyone is talkative and not too shy lol imagine if everyone just sat there silent hehe.



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Id be up for arranging something drinks wise maybe on a friday after work at a nice central bar or pub obviously not too noisy to get to know each other; as long as everyone is talkative and not too shy lol imagine if everyone just sat there silent hehe.




Im shy until I start getting warmed up then theres no stopping me lol .. But Im going away soon so would maybe need to be in a couple of months and that way people have enough time and notice (and I can also come then :) )

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