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Ideas for meeting new people my age (20s) for socialising


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Know what you mean Sammy! Ladies, is this a women only thing or are us guys invited? lol I'm in my 20s looking to expand my wilting circle of friends who have moved away or settled down.


Anyways, I think we should set up a SF group and get something going. As we are all in our 20s I'm sure we all have a facebook account (if not it's another good way to meet people!) so I have created a group called 'Sheffield Forum social activities'. Join the group and we can all set something up :0) simples!

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Hi there,


Sorry for the long silence and lack of organising anything. I'm going to organise a meet up for any of us who would like to come along. If you are interested them pm me with your name and an email address and I will send you details. I'm suggesting a pub quiz in the city centre, which will hopefully be a bit of an ice breaker and give us all something to talk about :-)



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How about trying some salsa dancing? Come along for free this Wednesday to give it a try; this is the first of our free beginner's sessions, with a few people starting together, so it would be a good opportunity


2nd and 4th Wed of the month; next is Wed 10th November for Cuban style salsa

Burton Street Project, Burton Street, between Pennistone Road and Langsett Road near Infirmary Road, (S6 2HH) in upstairs room

7.30 Beginners partner - FREE

8-9 Rueda (Cuban salsa in a group) for those who have done salsa but not rueda

9-10 Rueda (for those who know some rueda)

Rueda classes £3.50 one, £5 for two

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Hello everyone, Im pretty new to Sheffield. Been here for just over a month now. I am a bloke aged 24. Im a student but not in Sheffield strangly. Would be up for meeting new like minded people. If there is a meet count me in. Also suggest maybe coffee or pint and a film in showroom?

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