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Tory MP Tells Constituents “Don’t email me…it’s becoming a real nuisance”

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His complaint was that he was receiving so many emails he couldn't filter out the rubbish from the sensible queries and problems. It was that he was receiving so many cloned emails he was finding it more and more difficult to actually do his job properly. He was being polite and contructive in his wish. I find the spam emails an absolute pain on my PC. On my iphone it makes it nearly impossible to find genuine queries - he must have been receiving thousands of pointless emails otherwise he wouldn't have bothered to contact them.

This is far from arrogance on his part

yea pointless emails like complaining about the bloody tory policies that are just coming into effect "cut this cut that pick on council tenants and on and on and on cuts are endless"

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Were this a Labour MP the exact same people who are defending Dominic Raab online would be queueing up to attack him. He's trying to stop his constituents from contacting him to express their views and that is unacceptable behaviour from any elected official.


No he is not and I have already made that point. Your comments are one sided and appear more and more politically motivated than concerned with actual facts.


The MP in question said: "Lobby groups are becoming a real nuisance".


He is basically annoyed at the amount of spam he receives from this pressure group and has polity requested they remove his email address from their database. They have refused which means they are breaking the law!


If you want to correspond with your local MP, write a dam letter and stop being so bone idle and think signing the bottom of a template is good enough.

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No he is not and I have already made that point. Your comments are one sided and appear more and more politically motivated than concerned with actual facts.


The MP in question said: "Lobby groups are becoming a real nuisance".


He is basically annoyed at the amount of spam he receives from this pressure group and has polity requested they remove his email address from their database. They have refused which means they are breaking the law!


If you want to correspond with your local MP, write a dam letter and stop being so bone idle and think signing the bottom of a template is good enough.


He has only been an MP a few months. How does he know lobby groups are becoming a problem? Are we really expected to believe that there has suddenly been a huge rise in people lobbying their MPs in the last few months?


If true perhaps he should be listening because if true it indicates a massive rise in dissatisfaction from his constituents.


and/or more likely he is an idle good for nothing too lazy to use a laptop or sit in an office, some that doesn't want to do any work he can't do on his blackberry!


Either way whining about his constituents corresponding with him is not exactly clever and doesn't do much for


It is at a slight tangent but I am reminded of the Tories other communication experiment where they let the internet trolls loose on the spending challenge website comments pages to leave their non-template comments, until they had to take it down because it had gotten too ugly for them.....:hihi:



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According to this comment, he has received less than '2' emails since becoming elected. I presume that's a typo, but I can't see it being the 'thousands' that are being claimed here.


OTOH, if someone wants to send an identikit letter on an issue, I feel they're better off writing a petition. This comment provides a good solution. I definitely feel he has gone about it the wrong way though. If he wants to ignore the emails, fair enough - he should just set up a filter and delete them as they come in, but I don't feel that he should try and bully them into removing his email from the site.


edit: MPs do get staffing expenses to fund things like office managers and secretaries. I'm quite pleased if he has decided to forego these and manage his correspondence himself. I don't believe there is any way of viewing staffing costs yet as they won't be published for a year or so.

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Why is he galavanting around with his blackberry rather than sat at a desk working? Why does he think he is special and better than any other MP?


My guess is that he is selfish and too lazy to spend time doing any work and prefers to pretend he is working whilst sat in a posh bistro drinking and playing with his phone. He is too lazy to even take his laptop there!


What are the chances that he's out and about being lobbied by businesses and industry bodies?

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What are the chances that he's out and about being lobbied by businesses and industry bodies?


If that was the case then he would view being lobbied as fine as they would be wining and dining him. Perhaps thats what his constituents should be doing, bribing him?

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. If you use someone else's template or an automated system where you just fill in your name and the rest is done for you, you don't deserve a response.



Does that only apply to MP’s or does that mean that all those that complained to the banks about their charges or watch consumer programs for advice shouldn’t use templates that are advertised all over the internet.

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