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I think those guidelines are a bit woolly as it says it is an offence if leaving a child alone places them at risk. The NSPCC only advises against leaving ubder 16s alone over night. It does not define what the risk is. This is such a grey area.


Yeah its a bit woolly but I wouldn`t leave kids home overnight on thier own.But not saying others don`t just what i wouldn`t do .....

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Its a long story with too much personal detail than to be able to explain.

Both the children involved are mature and the only kinda party they would throw would be a get together on the xbox360.


If you think that they will be OK you could offer them an incentive to behave themselves. It could be a bit like babysitting each other (but don't say that to them).

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Ah the NSPCC one of those wonderful unelected knowitall charities with idea's way above their station. Much like those theiving gits the RSPCA


I once "looked after" my next door neighbours 15 year old for a week whilst his father had to go overseas to deal with a family death. He had phone numbers, could walk 20 yards to my door if there was an issue, and was sensible and not likley to get into trouble. However the NSPCC decided to stick their oar in and make everyones life a misery for three months afterwards until the CPS told them to sod off and stop being stupid. After that they decided a private prosecution would be warranted - more grief.


If the 15 year old has contact details for a neighbour or relative then there would be no problems in my mind, assuming that he has been shown to be a mature individual. The 12 year old - well that gets a lot trickier. I think it would be unfair to ask a 15 year old to take on the responsibility themselves for more than a couple of hours.

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Again, I agree with some other posters, children should have an adult they can call on if things go wrong.


I refused to go on holiday with my parents from the age of 15 so they had no choice but to leave me. I'd quite often have a friend or two over for a sleepover and was quite sensible about it. I never had a wild party. I quite liked having my own space and the tv to myself and I'd been to enough myself.


But I remember i got a dirty phone call whilst they were away and it freaked me out so I did call on my neighbour as to what to do.


The 12 year old is a bit trickier, as an odd time if the 15 year old is sensible I don't see anything wrong with it tbh but if the 15 year old is going to see it as an opportunity to go out, hence leaving the 12 year old to their own devices that could cause issues.

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NO it isn't.


Personally don't have an issue with it - however only you know how reliable and trustworthy they both are.


?????? however only you know how reliable and trustworthy they both are.


how would I know ????????????? they arn`t my kids and as I have said I personally wouldn`t leave any child in the house over night alone. If thats what they intend to do or are doing then thats thier business not mine .I thought it was against the law and as Ive stated its a grey area ,what if there was a fire

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?????? however only you know how reliable and trustworthy they both are


how would I know ????????????? they arn`t my kids and as I have said I personally wouldn`t leave any child in the house over night alone. If thats what they intend to do or are doing then thats thier business not mine .I thought it was against the law and as Ive stated its a grey area ,what if there was a fire


The response was to the op not you. You stated it was illegal and directed them to a site which clearly states it isn't.

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The response was to the op not you. You stated it was illegal and directed them to a site which clearly states it isn't.


I was going on the website , I have stated also its a grey area and I personally could not and would not leave kids on their own overnight but thats my choice not the original posters choice ,maybe she could get a neighbour to check on them from time to time

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