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Is it acceptable to..

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It is not so much a problem anymore as i have left the job....well was forced to leave it.


Basically here is what happened.



I worked in a job which would very rarely had me on nights, when i say rarely i mean once or twice every two or three months, i do not have a good relationship with my family and am a single parent so had no other option than to leave my eldest child minding the youngest one while i was at work, neither of the kids had a problem with it and both are really mature and responisble for thier age.

A certain individual who has a vendetta against me reported me to N.S.P.C.C. who came out and did a primary assessment and in their eyes did not see much of a problem as emergency contact numbers were availible and my neighbour was always on hand, however, it is their duty to inform social services of any referal they have in and did so. This is where my nightmare began.

Social sevices came out to see both me and my children and qusetioned us at length, they then said that although it is not illegal they would have no hestition in removing my kids if they were at harm by being left alone. I stressed to them that in my judgement as a parent both of my kids were responsible and more importantly were happy with the arrangement and could not see what the whole fuss was about.

I informed social services that while i agreed it was not an ideal situation i was not prepared to quit my job.

what happened next shocked me to my core...

The social services informed L A D D O { a govering body for professionals working with minors; i worked with kids} and they said if i did not quit my job they would put a " mark" on my record which could prevent me from working with kids again. SS then contacted the child protection police who also investigated and found nothing wrong.

In effect i was forced to resign and now things are worse than ever.

Social services are now saying that it was never a child protection issue but refuse to close the case. If it was never a child protection issue then why involve child protection police.

I feel they have jumped in too quick muddied the wwaters and are now doing bugger all.

Whats more it has had a massive impact on my little family both finacially and emotionally. I cannot tell you how much i hate them for what they have done and it has got to the point where i have openly asked them to take me down the child protection route so i can prove that my kids have never been at risk, they refuse to do this...

I am still just so damn angry at the way i have been treated like a neglectful mother and why they have the power to just walk into a family and destroy it when there are children all over the country who really are at risk and these kids are slipping through the net with alarming speed.

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  • 4 months later...
Where does it say it's an offence?

thats what i was thinking, the first line

"There is no legal age limit for leaving a child on their own, but it is an offence to leave a child alone if it places them at risk"


if theyre not at risk theres no offence?


the ages further down are purely guidelines

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I was always under the impression it was ok to babysit at the age of 14 years ago, dont know if anything has changed, but I dont see any harm in it as long as the kids involved have been brought up to understand the dangers in the house, have plenty of common sense etc

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It is not so much a problem anymore as i have left the job....well was forced to leave it.


Basically here is what happened.



I worked in a job which would very rarely had me on nights, when i say rarely i mean once or twice every two or three months, i do not have a good relationship with my family and am a single parent so had no other option than to leave my eldest child minding the youngest one while i was at work, neither of the kids had a problem with it and both are really mature and responisble for thier age.

A certain individual who has a vendetta against me reported me to N.S.P.C.C. who came out and did a primary assessment and in their eyes did not see much of a problem as emergency contact numbers were availible and my neighbour was always on hand, however, it is their duty to inform social services of any referal they have in and did so. This is where my nightmare began.

Social sevices came out to see both me and my children and qusetioned us at length, they then said that although it is not illegal they would have no hestition in removing my kids if they were at harm by being left alone. I stressed to them that in my judgement as a parent both of my kids were responsible and more importantly were happy with the arrangement and could not see what the whole fuss was about.

I informed social services that while i agreed it was not an ideal situation i was not prepared to quit my job.

what happened next shocked me to my core...

The social services informed L A D D O { a govering body for professionals working with minors; i worked with kids} and they said if i did not quit my job they would put a " mark" on my record which could prevent me from working with kids again. SS then contacted the child protection police who also investigated and found nothing wrong.

In effect i was forced to resign and now things are worse than ever.

Social services are now saying that it was never a child protection issue but refuse to close the case. If it was never a child protection issue then why involve child protection police.

I feel they have jumped in too quick muddied the wwaters and are now doing bugger all.

Whats more it has had a massive impact on my little family both finacially and emotionally. I cannot tell you how much i hate them for what they have done and it has got to the point where i have openly asked them to take me down the child protection route so i can prove that my kids have never been at risk, they refuse to do this...

I am still just so damn angry at the way i have been treated like a neglectful mother and why they have the power to just walk into a family and destroy it when there are children all over the country who really are at risk and these kids are slipping through the net with alarming speed.

get on to your mp/press etc there will be more like you going through this and action needs to be taken to get it stopped .this will have been one of the stupid new laws labour fetched in. this new government are supposed to be changing some of these silly laws ( i hope in your case this is one of them ) like you said theres children out there getting injured/killed and while ss seem to be negleting cases like this ,people in your position having been exonrated even by the police are still suffering for it :loopy:
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leave a 15 and a 12 year old alone at night whilst working a night shift?


what age do you think is ok. please discuss :)

It would depend on the level of potential risk of danger you're leaving them in. It would also depend on their individual maturity and sence of responsibillity. Although I'm not sure about the lagality of it.
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get on to your mp/press etc there will be more like you going through this and action needs to be taken to get it stopped .this will have been one of the stupid new laws labour fetched in. this new government are supposed to be changing some of these silly laws ( i hope in your case this is one of them ) like you said theres children out there getting injured/killed and while ss seem to be negleting cases like this ,people in your position having been exonrated even by the police are still suffering for it :loopy:


Erm. I think youll find its an attention seeking thread rather than an actual real event.

Just a hunch mind.

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