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Superstitions, old wives tales , taboos, and omens.

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You're of a very literary turn of phrase this evening, my dear arty.


Do you have any favourite superstitions you feel constrained to follow?


Seriously, Friday the 13th.

Many bad things have happened to me on that day.

I always try and avoid doing anything on that day. (mind you, I try to avoid that on everyday;))

I am on part of my jolly hols this week, so will avoid having to drive or work this Friday.

Knowing my luck the house will be hit by a meteorite. :hihi:

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I think the "don't cross on the stairs" thing came from when people (well, women) used to wear wide bulky dresses, so if two people attempted to cross on the stairs one would get knocked back down the stairs risking inury.

Early christians apprently believed that when you sneezed you lost a little bit of your soul, so would "bless you" to help you regain it.

I recall that the walking under aldders thing was something to do with a triangle being a portal to hell or something, not something a christian should walk through - not sure where i got that one from though.

the dislike of the number 13 amuses me, as even if you don;t acknowledge that you are in room 13/floor 13/operating theatre 13 - you are still in the thirteenth one, which would imply it is the word 13 or the numbers one and 3 together thats the problem. people who dislike the 13th will be pleased to know that this friday is the 13th of the month.


mind you, for all that I laugh at silly superstitions, I still find myself touching wood quite a lot!!

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I think the "don't cross on the stairs" thing came from when people (well, women) used to wear wide bulky dresses, so if two people attempted to cross on the stairs one would get knocked back down the stairs risking inury.

Early christians apprently believed that when you sneezed you lost a little bit of your soul, so would "bless you" to help you regain it.

I recall that the walking under aldders thing was something to do with a triangle being a portal to hell or something, not something a christian should walk through - not sure where i got that one from though.

the dislike of the number 13 amuses me, as even if you don;t acknowledge that you are in room 13/floor 13/operating theatre 13 - you are still in the thirteenth one, which would imply it is the word 13 or the numbers one and 3 together thats the problem. people who dislike the 13th will be pleased to know that this friday is the 13th of the month.


mind you, for all that I laugh at silly superstitions, I still find myself touching wood quite a lot!!


I think the Friday 13th business dates back to very early times, well pre christian.

It was used by the Christians when they wrote the life of Jesus.

Thirteen at the table at the last supper, Friday when he was crucified.

The thirteenth apostle being the betrayer etc.

They were using an earlier folklaw to impress upon the people the importance of their message to them.

One of our resident witches may be able to shed some light upon it, perhaps?

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I recall once reading that you should always put the lid down on the toilet otherwise all your good luck will be flushed away. I always put the lid down as I dint like the idea of a misty faecal spray circulating the room upon flushing...don't know if that actually happens though or not?


It is interesting where two groups/cultures have opposing superstitions, such as I was always told a black cat crossing your path was good luck but others consider it bad luck. And though in England I think horseshoes are meant to be positioned in a "u" shape for luck in some cultures you hang them in an "n" shape for luck.

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Maggy Thatcher doesnt work for me because you should use full names, hence Margaret Thatcher, which would actually mean she has 16


but oh well, its Friday the 13th this week, anyone looking forward to it? I am, 13 is lucky for me, and so is 7 (best of both worlds) cause its my birth day/month :)

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I always got told if you unscrew yer belly button yer bum falls off, i've been too scared to try it ever since


anybody ever done it?


no, but apparently if you pull a guinea pigs tail its eyes will fall out:hihi:

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