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Superstitions, old wives tales , taboos, and omens.

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Maggy Thatcher...:hihi::hihi::hihi::hihi:....That was mine!


I would not put Thatchers name along with those.


They were vile murderers, Thatcher is a vile traitor, she should be hung in chains for eternity.

What the others did was chicken feed.

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My mother's mother was very superstitious.


She would iron the fold-marks out of the sheets before she put them on the bed, because they made a cross-shape, and she believed that the next person to lay in that bed with that marking on the sheet would die (scratches head in an incredulous manner)


She wouldn't allow knives to be crossed, as it "meant cross words would be exchanged"


f you dropped a piece of cutlery, it was bad luck to pick it up yourself, someone else was supposed to do it... (that's just barmy)


if you put your clothes on inside out or back to front, you had to leave them like that... "Change your clothes, you change your luck...!"


there's others I remember being mooted...


throwing salt over your shoulder if you spill it... You can't take salt from one house to another... (eh? what?)


I've heard that one before.


My mum and Nan also don't like anything with birds (the feathered type) in the house

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I would not put Thatchers name along with those.


They were vile murderers, Thatcher is a vile traitor, she should be hung in chains for eternity.

What the others did was chicken feed.


Having thought about it perhaps I have judged the others a little harshly putting them in the same list as Thatcher.:)

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One l remember was if you drop your glove someone else had to pick it up as it was considered bad luck.


That sounds like a distortion of the old method of challenging someone to a duel, where you slapped them with your glove/gauntlet and dropped it on the floor in front of them - if they picked it up, they were accepting the challenge.

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