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Let's all get behind David.

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The ConDems are in the position of being able to impose misery on millions and blame Labour for it all. Perhaps we can implement some drastic measures to pull some money back for the government departments facing surgical amputation.


The Dept of Justice is facing cuts of 2 billion despite far reaching initiatives from the Youth Justice Board that cost hundreds of millions to implement and stopped youth offending rates from increasing. The annual bill for lost or stolen laptops in the now defunct Home Office was £500,000. How can people work effectively without their laptops?


Anyway, the government could give allotments to people on benefits and buy from them, the vegetables they grow. If council housing is too expensive to maintain, people could be given prefabs to pitch on their allotments. Communal showers and toilets could be erected as necessary and people would have the option of living within their means without being too much of a burden on the state.


Unemployed people could power huge ‘hamster wheels’ linked up to the national Grid and further reduce the need for fossil fuels.


There must be other things that can be implemented quickly and effectively for the benefit of us all. Ideas anyone.

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The ConDems are in the position of being able to impose misery on millions and blame Labour for it all. Perhaps we can implement some drastic measures to pull some money back for the government departments facing surgical amputation.


The Dept of Justice is facing cuts of 2 billion despite far reaching initiatives from the Youth Justice Board that cost hundreds of millions to implement and stopped youth offending rates from increasing. The annual bill for lost or stolen laptops in the now defunct Home Office was £500,000. How can people work effectively without their laptops?


Anyway, the government could give allotments to people on benefits and buy from them, the vegetables they grow. If council housing is too expensive to maintain, people could be given prefabs to pitch on their allotments. Communal shows and toilets could be erected as necessary and people would have the option of living within their means without being too much of a burden on the state.


Unemployed people could power huge ‘hamster wheels’ linked up to the national Grid and further reduce the need for fossil fuels.


There must be other things that can be implemented quickly and effectively for the benefit of us all. Ideas anyone.


How big would the allotments be and what sort of shows would the tenants be able to watch?

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The ConDems are in the position of being able to impose misery on millions and blame Labour for it all.


Now unless im mistaken LABOUR left this country with the massive deficit we now have .


Now which part of that deficit is the new Governments fault ? :loopy::loopy:


We have just suffered 13 of misery imposed on us by LABOUR, which fed up voters had enough of and booted the useless Labour party out of office.


So lets place the blame for these cuts where it belongs ,which is squarely at the door of Labour .

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How much are the education cuts going to be??


Stop talking in negative terms. We get to keep the modern crusades in Iraq and Afghanistan, The Royal Family and we get new Trident missiles. So what if it costs a little education, a few police officers and some operations. They were probably going to die anyway.

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Now unless im mistaken LABOUR left this country with the massive deficit we now have .


Now which part of that deficit is the new Governments fault ? :loopy::loopy:


We have just suffered 13 of misery imposed on us by LABOUR, which fed up voters had enough of and booted the useless Labour party out of office.


So lets place the blame for these cuts where it belongs ,which is squarely at the door of Labour .


Did I say it wasn't Labour's fault? But if they got away with it so completely, without anyone knowing or predicting the cost, our political system is more messed up than anyone can possibly imagine.

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Now unless im mistaken LABOUR left this country with the massive deficit we now have .


Now which part of that deficit is the new Governments fault ? :loopy::loopy:


We have just suffered 13 of misery imposed on us by LABOUR, which fed up voters had enough of and booted the useless Labour party out of office.


So lets place the blame for these cuts where it belongs ,which is squarely at the door of Labour .


Was the country free of debt when Labour took over from the Tories?

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Was the country free of debt when Labour took over from the Tories?


All government operate with differing levels of debt. It’s not the debt which is the problem, it’s the deficit. We spend more than we make and have done for many years.


The UK was £1.8bn in surplus in 1997 but was £7.1bn in deficit by the end of 1998. What changed? Tory => Labour government. By 2007 we had sunk to almost £56bn in deficit and that was before the recession.


Labour spent more money than we had for almost the entirety of their 13 years in government and the result is Britain with its worst trade deficit since 1697.


In 2009 the UK deficit was £159.2 billion with a debt of £950.4 billion, all thanks to Labour.

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Was the country free of debt when Labour took over from the Tories?


In 1997 Labour inherited a budget that was actually in balance. After a painful and turbulent decade under the Tories, the public finances had finally been brought under control. But after four years in office Gordon Brown took out the country's credit card and let rip. By the end of 2009-10 our annual deficit had ballooned to £170.8 billion.




The UK's national debt (that's the total of all our anual deficits) has been growing steadily since the 1950s, as this chart shows (link).


The late 1980s seems to be the point at which the nation's debt really exploded.


The fact that debt existed before the last government took office is no excuse for the insane amount of debt they took on. Or rather we, as taxpayers took on. Just look at the state of the chart by the time it reaches 2010.

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