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St. Josephs R C School Walkley 1956-61

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Hi, my name is Barbara (nee) Webster. I went to St Joe's from around  1960 to 65 my sister Jacqueline went there too. We were the ones stood outside Sister Catherine's office every Monday because we didn't go to church the day before. 🤣


I was in the same J4 year as Catherine Madin, Anne Page and Kathleen Conners, that was it....just the four girls in J4 that year.  I remember Timothy and Fiona Hale, David and Michael Cary, Tony and Rosemary Toner, Peter Crossland, Patrick and Kevin Keenan? (twins) Peter Sweeney, who allegedly sold fish. a lad and his sister called Bibby Patrick and Bernadette Maloney, Kevin Daley, James Farley and Jimmey Connors??. and Andrew and Patrick...brothers, whose surname escapes me.


I remember the honour of playing on "the slope" when we got to Junior 4, playing rounders in the big yard and the sisters not allowing us to leave a thing on our plates at lunch, which resulted in me spending an extra 30mins in there trying to eat the burnt jam that had turned to stone on the pastry and one unfortunate lad who was forced to eat his rice pudding out of the pigswill  after dashing over to scrape it in there.


I seem to recall the Priests coming in to give quizzes in RE.  Hated it but I do remember "God made me" but "why" has completely slipped my mind.......  But it made me realise, if you can survive being taught by nuns, you can pretty much survive anything.


I went back when it was closing down and couldn't believe how small both the school and Sister Catherine were......how could such a small thing as her terrify me for so many years?

Edited by tisnoti
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