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Is Cameron mentally unstable?

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From this October Mr Cameron wants to cut wages and jobs. A two year old would be able to see that this is a recipe for disaster. If people do not have a job then they are not paying tax or NI contributions. Even worse we will have to pay them job seekers allowance. Because they have no money they will be unable to buy consumer goods in shops so the shops will close down causing even more unemployment. The country will fast turn into a wasteland.


So while the rest of us become little Oliver Twists living in the workhouse and asking our Lords and Masters if we can have more, our unelected prime minister and his millionaire buddies will still be living in their country mansions and feasting off the land.


Our only hope is that the LibDems come to their senses and bring down this Mickey Mouse coalition. If not there will be riots, strikes and social disorder not seen in this country since the last time the Tories were in office.


And a two year old can see that when the country is broke, if it's a choice between cutting jobs or paying them by borrowing some more, then the better option is to cut jobs.

Are you really trying to suggest that it costs more to pay the benefits and loose the tax revenue of a civil servant than it does to actually pay them their salary?

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And a two year old can see that when the country is broke, if it's a choice between cutting jobs or paying them by borrowing some more, then the better option is to cut jobs.

Are you really trying to suggest that it costs more to pay the benefits and loose the tax revenue of a civil servant than it does to actually pay them their salary?


Depends what the civil servant is doing surely. I collect taxes that otherwise wouldn't be paid. I bring in far more money than I cost. Putting me on the dole would involve a saving in my wages but would then incur a cost in the benefits paid to me and the loss of money I bring in.


The country is not broke.


A 1 year old can see that a country cannot be broke whilst it's paying for war overseas and is planning on shelling out a few billion on a nuclear upgrade.


There is money, it just depends on where spending priorities lie.

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The armed forces has been told that it's having the largest budget cut in it's history. The fact that it's currently deployed doesn't alter that.

And the choices available re the deterrent are upgrade it or scrap it, it would cost more to try to maintain it as it is.


Obviously there's money, revenue is still coming in to the government, but the highest priority is paying down the massive debt which leaves only hard choices after that is done.


The argument about your job though wasn't the point. The implication the OP was making was that you personally pay more in tax and vat, etc... than you cost. Something which clearly isn't true. I'm sure your job is worthwhile and making money for the government, and so long as it's not possible for one of your colleagues to work a bit harder and do your share then it's probably safe.

But every civil servant that is employed is a cost, if it worked the other way around then ludicrously we could all be employed by the government and no one would actually do any money making work. Increasing employment by increasing the size of the government is a ponzi scheme.

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And a two year old can see that when the country is broke, if it's a choice between cutting jobs or paying them by borrowing some more, then the better option is to cut jobs.

Are you really trying to suggest that it costs more to pay the benefits and loose the tax revenue of a civil servant than it does to actually pay them their salary?


For god sake stop repeating that mantra

This debt is non exisrent.

it is capital.

Money that imaginary, they play with it, like silly games.

And thee and me have to work to fulfill their daft games.

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Unlike you the government have to factor in a little something called government spending into their calculations. Public sector jobs cost the exchequer far more than they return in tax & NI & that money has to come from somewhere. People don't like paying tax (which of course squeezes the economy) and the current levels of deficit spending are completely unsustainable.

So please do inform us, how is the government supposed to afford to keep all the public sector jobs that the cuts forced upon it by Labour's disastrous rule mean we simply can't afford at the moment?


Especially a certain Lord who supports the conservatives.

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The voice of reason . But im afraid your post is wasted on the blinkered ,bitter Labourites on here who would vote a Pig if it was wearing a red rosette at the election .


I am also worried that if these lefties despise Cameron so much they might forget to blame Thatcher for this country's problems.


Note to lefties: Thatcher left her post in 1990; that's some 20 years ago.

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From this October Mr Cameron wants to cut wages and jobs. A two year old would be able to see that this is a recipe for disaster. If people do not have a job then they are not paying tax or NI contributions. Even worse we will have to pay them job seekers allowance. Because they have no money they will be unable to buy consumer goods in shops so the shops will close down causing even more unemployment. The country will fast turn into a wasteland.


So while the rest of us become little Oliver Twists living in the workhouse and asking our Lords and Masters if we can have more, our unelected prime minister and his millionaire buddies will still be living in their country mansions and feasting off the land.


Our only hope is that the LibDems come to their senses and bring down this Mickey Mouse coalition. If not there will be riots, strikes and social disorder not seen in this country since the last time the Tories were in office.


Forget Cameron, one has to ask (after a rambling, incoherent post like that) whether you're mentally unstable.


Wages have already been cut. Most people, if they get a rise at all, have gotten one that matches a fictional inflation figure.


Jobs have already been cut, many due to outsourcing. But don't rely on NuLabour to help you there, they encouraged it.



our unelected prime minister and his millionaire buddies


Is that David Cameron or Gordon Brown you're talking about?

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And do remind us who was responsible for regulating the banks that cost us so much money?


Can I help you out here?





(Bloomberg) -- Gordon Brown said he should have done more to regulate banks during his decade as finance minister, accepting for the first time that Britain shares the blame for the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression.


“The truth is that globally and nationally we should have been regulating them more,” the British prime minister told ITV television in an interview to be broadcast tonight. Defending his approach, Brown said, “all the complaints I was getting from people was, ‘Look you’re regulating them too much.’”

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I am also worried that if these lefties despise Cameron so much they might forget to blame Thatcher for this country's problems.


Note to lefties: Thatcher left her post in 1990; that's some 20 years ago.


She will never be forgiven.

Her crimes are unforgivable

This fool cameron is another one like her.

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She will never be forgiven.

Her crimes are unforgivable

This fool cameron is another one like her.


If the Iron Lady was still around this country wouldnt be the broken down crock it is today . The lefties dont like Mrs T because she stood up to the unions and didnt take any of their crap , that slimeball Scargill being the perfect example . She soon put her foot on his head and put him in his rightful place.


This country is crying out for a leader like Thatcher , but sadly i doubt we will ever see someone as good as her again.

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