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Is Cameron mentally unstable?

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I'm not sure whether or not Smarmy Dave in unstable, haven't seen enough of him yet.

He seem's to believe that he is doing the right thing with all these proposed cuts despite what many economists are telling him (this comes from his upperclass upbringing, that he is 'born to lead'. He seems hell bent on taking us into a double dip recession, probably so that the Condems can make more and more cuts to the public servies and give them the excuse their ideology demands to 'roll back' the powers of the state.


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Depends what the civil servant is doing surely. I collect taxes that otherwise wouldn't be paid. I bring in far more money than I cost. Putting me on the dole would involve a saving in my wages but would then incur a cost in the benefits paid to me and the loss of money I bring in.


The country is not broke.


A 1 year old can see that a country cannot be broke whilst it's paying for war overseas and is planning on shelling out a few billion on a nuclear upgrade.


There is money, it just depends on where spending priorities lie.


I too am a civil servant and have saved my department a huge amount in the last 30 months after my wages (enough to pay 20+ staff for one year). I have friends in jobcentres who do wonderful work. There are many civil servants who get paid amazing wages and then there are the bulk of us who don't get that much. I am not complaining about my job as I have a decent job, but I am fed up with all civil servants being put under one heading.


Whoever got into power had a mountain to climb, but I am just nervous about the route we are heading now. No I don't have the answers or I wouldn't be a low ranking skivy:P

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From this October Mr Cameron wants to cut wages and jobs. A two year old would be able to see that this is a recipe for disaster. If people do not have a job then they are not paying tax or NI contributions. Even worse we will have to pay them job seekers allowance. Because they have no money they will be unable to buy consumer goods in shops so the shops will close down causing even more unemployment. The country will fast turn into a wasteland.


So while the rest of us become little Oliver Twists living in the workhouse and asking our Lords and Masters if we can have more, our unelected prime minister and his millionaire buddies will still be living in their country mansions and feasting off the land.


Our only hope is that the LibDems come to their senses and bring down this Mickey Mouse coalition. If not there will be riots, strikes and social disorder not seen in this country since the last time the Tories were in office.




who at times is not?

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There seems to be an awful lot of civil servants who have enough free time to post on here during the day. Perhaps a 20% cut in numbers wouldn't actually affect the way they perform, although I might reduce the number of postings on Sheffield Forum.

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There seems to be an awful lot of civil servants who have enough free time to post on here during the day. Perhaps a 20% cut in numbers wouldn't actually affect the way they perform, although I might reduce the number of postings on Sheffield Forum.


oh haha. I work evenings and weekends as well. If you are naive to think a 20% cut won't affect services, lets revisit this in 3 years time. I think you wll be shocked.


nice come back though. One last thing. Civil servants get breaks too btw and many of us have modern technology like mobiles and blackberries :P

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Yet another bitter thread by another Labourite who cannoe accept that Labour are USELESS , and the voters kicked them out for that reason .


And they didnt exactly kick your lot in either did they? Just showed that while the voters didnt like labour they damn well didnt really want the tories either

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oh haha. I work evenings and weekends as well. If you are naive to think a 20% cut won't affect services, lets revisit this in 3 years time. I think you wll be shocked.


nice come back though. One last thing. Civil servants get breaks too btw and many of us have modern technology like mobiles and blackberries :P


Did I mention you? Perhaps you have a guilty concience. There are certainly many public sector workers who spend half their day on this forum and you know it.

Perhaps some bosses will run through the odd computer's surfing history when deciding where the axe will fall. But as the public sector increased in size by more than 20% since 1997, I suspect it can now afford to reign in a bit of slack whilst we pay off the countries massive deficit.

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Did I mention you? Perhaps you have a guilty concience. There are certainly many public sector workers who spend half their day on this forum and you know it.

Perhaps some bosses will run through the odd computer's surfing history when deciding where the axe will fall. But as the public sector increased in size by more than 20% since 1997, I suspect it can now afford to reign in a bit of slack whilst we pay off the countries massive deficit.


Me? guilty conscience? Yes! I get scared when I hear police cars ;)


The last office I worked in had a weekly review of internet usage so I don't think you can get away with it as you once maybe could. I am unusual as I work unusual hours and have control over my working hours largely but I am not sure how people would get past the internet filters and reviews.


As I always like to add with threads about religion, race etc - there are always exceptions to the rule so lets not judge the majority based on the minority.

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