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Is Cameron mentally unstable?

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I don't think Cameron is unstable, but I do think he's way out of his depth.


He has very little experience of the real world, and not all that much in politics.

Let's hope he at least has good men around him.


As for the Labour/Tory argument, I think we'd have been in pretty much the same pickle if the Conservatives had been in power when the banks crashed. It is not simply down to 'Labour mismanagement' - let's not forget it was the Conservatives who started selling off the family silver, but the continuing bad behaviour of the banks, a situation which neither the Conservatives nor Labour will tackle.




I think Smarmy Dave is reasonably well-balanced but WRONG.

Osborne on the other hand is possibly demented, and definatley a 'wrong 'un'.

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Who do you think "the Unions" are? They are the people who work, not some machine that needs to be battered, subdued and destroyed. Trade Unions are made up of ordinary people doing ordinary jobs, often for a basic wage. They get together to support each other and ensure that they work in a safe environment for a decent wage. Why would any government want to destroy the workforce?


So closing down our mining industry was a worthwhile result of a personal feud Thatcher created with Scargill, was it? You must despise working people as much as Thatcher and the Tories did and still do.


Union members are indeed ordinary working people, but the big union leaders are not, they are hardcore marxists who are ideologically opposed the very "capitalist system" that creates work for ordinary people to do.


All the strikes and walk outs of yesteryear absolutly decimated industry in this country - how has that helped working people??

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As for the Labour/Tory argument, I think we'd have been in pretty much the same pickle if the Conservatives had been in power when the banks crashed. It is not simply down to 'Labour mismanagement'


Didn't help though.


This excel chart (sheet A4)




shows that we didn't even have a deficit in 1998-99, we had a budget surplus.


(I'll wait while Titanic99 and the other NuLabour trolls rush for a dictionary.)


A £13.6 billion surplus turned into a £155 billion deficit, all during (supposedly) the longest period of sustained growth since the Industrial Revolution.


It takes a real drooling half-wit to screw up the nation's finances so catastrophically during such a period.


Step forward James Gordon Brown.

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He was educated at Eton and Oxford uni.

He is son of a stockbroker with countless relations in finance. (We know how bent they are).

He is a direct descendent of King William 1V and his mistress:hihi::hihi::hihi:

There is an illegitimate line of 4 generations of women.

His grandfather was Sir William Mount.


Just how high does the upper middle class go!


He is a ruling class jerk who has been handed everything on a plate from birth. His estimated fortune is £30 mllioin that mummy and daddy gave him.:roll:

Which begs the question!..................why would anyone with £30 million,put themselves in the firing line from daft people like you!
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Which begs the question!..................why would anyone with £30 million,put themselves in the firing line from daft people like you!


Which leads to the obvious answer....because he does not care what people like me (or you) think. He was only ever interested in duping enough voters so as to gain power. He knows nothing of the real world, nothing whatsoever as everything was handed to him on a plate. He will plough on with his cuts and be applauded for it by his Etonian and Oxford ruling class allies. Every new home reposession will cause him to smirk a little more.


He knows that there are enough stupid people like you to vote for him.

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Which leads to the obvious answer....because he does not care what people like me (or you) think. He was only ever interested in duping enough voters so as to gain power. He knows nothing of the real world, nothing whatsoever as everything was handed to him on a plate. He will plough on with his cuts and be applauded for it by his Etonian and Oxford ruling class allies. Every new home reposession will cause him to smirk a little more.


He knows that there are enough stupid people like you to vote for him.

Sounds like he went to the Tony Blair finishing school!...........only your hero escaped down the fire escape before the proverbial **** hit the fan, going on to make £millions!
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And a two year old can see that when the country is broke, if it's a choice between cutting jobs or paying them by borrowing some more, then the better option is to cut jobs.

Are you really trying to suggest that it costs more to pay the benefits and loose the tax revenue of a civil servant than it does to actually pay them their salary?


What you talking crap for, why bother saying it, what are you hoping to achieve? You do realise that nobody wins an argument?

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