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I cannot answer for everyone who believes in a religion as there are many different religions in the world. For everyone it is a different reason/experience. It does give many people a direction about life, death & the journey that we/they are going through in this life.


I am with you on the "what people will do for religion" In most cases it is not, it is because they are nutters & a lot of it comes from tradition & cultures which gets misinterpreted with religion.


It just seem so pointless, i know i sound shallow but i just can't grasp why people waste there whole lives on believing in something which is in most cases no truer than father Christmas.

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It just seem so pointless, i know i sound shallow but i just can't grasp why people waste there whole lives on believing in something which is in most cases no truer than father Christmas.


It's not it is your opinion.


What you may view as pointless to others it gives them a belief/hope/structure/guidance in what they practice in. I guess it is like most things in life in general we all have different views. What others seem as wrong others see as right & vice verca. Us humans are complex ;)


I have started a new religion. Already it has huge following from men & women but mainly women can't think why .http://www.imdb.com/media/rm1624151040/nm0589505.

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I've talked about the oppresive structural nature of the islamic faith and how it traps people brought up in it and represses their freedom to choose their way in life.


..er, isn't that what all religions do?


It's the whole idea, living a moral and spiritual code according to a book of rules that's open to individual interpretation, it isn't for you, or anyone else to make a judgement about the repression of freedom, it's what these people subscribe to..just like Catholic nuns who make a vow of chastity, and in some cases silence, it's great fun for them, but probably wouldn't be for you and me.

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...just like Catholic nuns who make a vow of chastity, and in some cases silence, it's great fun for them, but probably wouldn't be for you and me.
What a strange way of looking at it. Enclosed nuns don't do it because 'it's great fun for them'. They regard it as a life of service and dedication to the world, and the mortification of the soul, that they're called upon to do. They do it precisely because it's difficult and then offer their privations to that nasty Old Testament God that loves to see his creations suffer and offer those sufferings up to him as a form of worship.


On topic, Sheffield Forum does reflect a lot of the moaning capacity of the general public, but it also reflects the community spirit and sympathy for other people that we sometimes worry that we're losing in modern life. Major interest threads in the past reflect what caring people we have in Sheffield, as well as the moaning minnies, sometimes they're even the same person! :D


One tends not to notice this in other places and think we're extraordinarily different here, but that's only because we have a massive and well used forum and other places don't, imo.

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What a strange way of looking at it. Enclosed nuns don't do it because 'it's great fun for them'. They regard it as a life of service and dedication to the world, and the mortification of the soul, that they're called upon to do. They do it precisely because it's difficult and then offer their privations to that nasty Old Testament God that loves to see his creations suffer and offer those sufferings up to him as a form of worship.
No, it isn't a strange way of looking at it, we might place our own view of why nuns enter into vows of chastity and silence but it's a lifestyle that is preferable to them than the conventional one or they wouldn't do it, I wasn't deriding their choices, in fact I would entirely support them, just as I wouldn't denounce someone who maintained a rigid Islamic lifestyle (as icon was doing), I don't understand it but it isn't for me to be critical of the code they choose to follow-it was in that context I made my post in response to Icon's.


Incidentally, I believe 'fun' is a subjective thing, I don't suspect they all have a knees up when Mother Superior isn't looking, but no doubt nuns derive personal satisfaction from their lifestyle otherwise they'd be very unhappy about it.

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