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Long shot but trying to find someone.. only vague details though


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In December I was in Jessops hospital and a lady was admitted into the bed next to me (12th December I think) . She was very upset as she had planned a home birth but had been told that she had to be induced on the following Monday which would have been the 14th December 09. I was quite drugged up at the time as I was really ill and at the time this lady was admitted and can't remember her name although Sarah seems to ring a bell, my health deteriorated quite a bit that night and I was admitted to HDU.


The lady had long dark hair and was pregnant with her 3rd child (I think) - Her sister had bee diagnoed with pre-eclampsia when she was pregnant and they were inducing this lady as a precautionary because of that.


As the nurses were in a panic over my health, this lady was being very supportive for me even though she was upset herself. I was taken off the ward that night but was told i would be back in the morning - however I was never sent back to the ward and I never got the chance to thank the lady or tell her that I was ok.


If anybody knows who I may be talking about, could they let her know I am looking for her so I can thank her for her kind words.

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I think you should send her a thank-you card with your contact details and a brief explanation of who you are, and ask the ward manager if they would mind forwarding it to this lady. Leave the envelope unsealed so they can have a quick look inside before they send it (if it possible to do so). It might be better popping in to see them in person to ask rather than posting it - I’m sure they would love to see you now you are better. :)

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unfortunately I no longer live in Sheffield and had major complaints with the hospital and the way in which they treated me.


All their wards are protected by intercoms and as soon as I mention my name I think they would have a bit of a panic as I wrote in with my very long list of complaints. Don't really want to go into the ins and outs of it on here but joined this site in the hope I could find the lady.

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Why not ask the hospital whether if you give them a letter in a stamped envelope for the person they will address it and send it on for you?


I think they have better things to do.


unfortunately I no longer live in Sheffield and had major complaints with the hospital and the way in which they treated me.


All their wards are protected by intercoms and as soon as I mention my name I think they would have a bit of a panic as I wrote in with my very long list of complaints. Don't really want to go into the ins and outs of it on here but joined this site in the hope I could find the lady.


Contact PALS (Patient Advice and Liaison Service ) at the hospital. PALS at the Hallamshire helped me in a simialr situation. After speaking to them I did as Wildcat suggested and they forwarded the letter to the person in question.

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PALS wouldn't deal with my complaint and put me straight in touch with the hospital.


I might try sending a letter to the hospital but I do think they have better things to do with their time than looking back through records trying to figure out who was in the bed next to me on the day... I ended up in 4 different wards in my time there and can't remember which I was on that day,.

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I was going to see if I could help but as Ive read your posts it just sounds impossible! How on earth do you think anyone is going to be able to find 'the woman with dark hair who was being induced cos her sister had pre-eclampsia who wanted a homebirth'?! If you could remember which ward you were on when you met her this may have helped but you cant even remember that? It would be great if you could find her but I really dont think you have enough information to do so?!


As far as the intercoms go for the wards- they are answered by ward staff and I dont think your letter had that much impact that every member of staff on the wards was told of your name!


I know plenty of people (myself included) who would have been happy to let you on the ward and forwarded a letter for you. However, the wards do not keep a copy of which patients were in which beds, nor even a patient list at all so I dont think you'd get anywhere here.


I think your best, and only bet is to hope someone on here recognises her story! Good luck- I do hope you find her!

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