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Notice of default bank/creditors letter

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Im looking for any advice or feedback about how to go about on this one as i dont know what to do for the best....


I have 2 notice of default letters


1 from a bank other credit card


not exactly over just cant keep up with payments as unemployed. and the bank one is ALL BANK CHARGES.

It stateson the letters to seek professional help and to write to the courts for more time?



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Have you rang the bank/credit card company?


Can you pay anything? Are you paying anything?


If I were you I'd give CCCS or Payplan a bell (google their number). They can advise.


Once you get a default, it stays on file for six years but, if you pay it off in full at a later date - it will show as satisfied.


Money saving expert is a good forum for advice.




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You should seek pofessional advice, DON'T ring one of the adverts on TV, these are profit making companies and will charge. Try Citizens Advice or the Consumer Credit Councilling service, these are free. I would go through your debts, sort out what you owe to whom, and prioritise the important ones (mortgage, utilities etc), and the CCCS can help liaise. Good Luck.

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Yeh agree with Loubbe, DONT ring the companies off the telly, go to Citizens Advice and they will sort things out for you or there are free Debt services (google it) basied around sheffield.


These companies that adertise on telly use an IVA (Individual Voluntary Arrangement) to sort your debt out and that stays on your credit file for 7 years, its nearly as bad as been bankrupt.


But the 1st thing to do is to ring the bank and credit card companies and explain whats happened. im sure there will have procedures but in place to help/deal with situations like you are in.


Hope this helps :)

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If the one from the bank is all charges, you need to write to them and tell them your situation. I'm not entirely sure but I think they have to delete charges if it is causing you extreme hardship. You will have to put a good case together though, income and expenditure, dependants etc

Also the above posters are right, you need to ring citizens advice too. They will be able to help you

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