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Any ex treeton colliery colleagues

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ron windle union man he was from treeton he finished up being a councilor i think jonny mac bought his own quarry in derbyshire the last i heard what a lad he was lol big powerfull man but as soft as a brush down pit i remeber him crawling down coal face and he had a black out and a lump of rock fell on his head took six men to get him off the face then he was back at work the next day lol

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Originally posted by hazel

Hi Kirky


Do you look like your brother?


He might have been there with my son.

Will ask him about April.




everyone says we look alike now but we didn't then,i was a skinhead and he was more of a biker.his best mate at the pit was a lad called dick denton.

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  • 3 years later...
  • 7 months later...
hi i worked at treeton colliery from 1980 until its demise in 1990 when i transferred to rossington on the area salvage team are there any other ex treeton miners using this forum ?


my dad worked at treeton colliery from 1969-till it closed by the name of j murray

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  • 1 month later...

I worked at Treeton on the screens in July 1952 while waiting for the NCB Training at Treeton in August 1952.

I worked as a haulage hand under Reuben Pyatt, the Deputy was Jackson.

I remember Brian Marvin who painted his miners helmet pink. Alfie who was mortally afraid of pit moggies.

I left after I was forced to attend an inquisition at the pit on a Saturday unpaid and lost my Saturday shift.

They found the guy who had hammered a nail into an electric cable near the face end of the level, I know he was sacked and taken to court in Rotherham.

In those days I was not even offered the tram fare to attend or given any apology.

I the went to Kiveton Park.

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