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The pain that is ..Toothache

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Can turn a grown man to tears ..(sobs) i dont have a dentist so going to have to find an after hours type place today cos i GOT to be at work ..any tips for dulling the pain till i find somewhere ? and anyone know if you can just walk in at the Charles clifford place ??

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Ring NHS direct 0845 46 47 and they will put you in touch with a dentist and most likely get you an emergency appointment today.

In the meantime have ibuprofen and paracetemol to manage your pain.

Not sure about Charles Clifford, I don't think it's the emergency dentist anymore. Last time we used the emergency dentist we were sent to Firth Park. Good luck

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Oh I have had this before. I know your pain. I found Ibuprofen was the most effective as it also stops swelling (the pulp in your tooth will be swollen which is causing the pain) I was fine the next day after doing this but still went to the dentist the next day anyway.


I found Taptonville Dentists in Broomhill to be very good. Not sure if they are open Saturday but give them a call and see what they can do.


Also, I would speak to your boss as your health is more important than your job!

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Dab the tooth with oil of cloves from a cotton bud.


Don't get the oil on your gum though...


Associated chemists on the Wicker used to sell it but it's been ten years since I was down there so don't even know if they are there any more

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