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Experts call for David Kelly 'suicide' inquiry

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This is the whole point. Why should it be up to members of the public to find evidence. A lot of people think the inquiry was highly suspicious. This on it's own should be reasion enough for a more transparent enquiry in a case of this magnitude.



Baker may have a book to sell, but I doubt he would lie about recorded evidence. Read the section in the link to his article regarding the choosing of the pathologist and comments the pathologist made himself during the enquiry indicating that he no longer stood by his original verdict. No matter what you think opf baker and his motives, many of the allegations he makes are on the basis of recorded testimony.


Do you think that it was impossible for Dr Kelly to have committed suicide?

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Do you think that it was impossible for Dr Kelly to have committed suicide?


No. Should that be the criterion for the enquiry into a suspicious death? Surely "was it possible he was murdered" woukld be the question any credible enquiry would have been looking into under the circumstances.

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No. Should that be the criterion for the enquiry into a suspicious death? Surely "was it possible he was murdered" woukld be the question any credible enquiry would have been looking into under the circumstances.


Umm, I don't know what you are trying to say. You're not suggesting that the coroner decided how Dr Kelly died before he even investigated it? If you have, what evidence have you got to back up your claim?


So at least you say it was possible that that the coroners conclusions were right.

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Baker may have a book to sell, but I doubt he would lie about recorded evidence. Read the section in the link to his article regarding the choosing of the pathologist and comments the pathologist made himself during the enquiry indicating that he no longer stood by his original verdict. No matter what you think opf baker and his motives, many of the allegations he makes are on the basis of recorded testimony.


The pathologist does stand by his original verdict and is quite happy to have it subject to a fresh inquest.




Any more misinformation you want to spread?

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The pathologist does stand by his original verdict and is quite happy to have it subject to a fresh inquest.




Any more misinformation you want to spread?


No need to be rude dear!



"Dr Hunt also inexplicably changed his mind after examining Dr Kelly's body.


In March 2004, he insisted a full coroner's inquest - so far denied - should be held. But recently he said he had always 'maintained a silence' on the matter"





Dr Hunt is now desperate to defend his reputation following some horrendous coroner ****-ups he has been involved in since the kelly enquiry, but his stance is inconsistant, both now and during the enquiry.


For a more in depth critique of Dr Hunts many inconsistencies and assumptiions! http://judithmilleranddrdavidkellyandwmd.blogspot.com/

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"Dr Hunt also inexplicably changed his mind after examining Dr Kelly's body ".



I can't see any evidence from anyone that Hunt "inexplicably changed his mind after examining Dr Kelly's body". He examined it a couple of hours after it was found - read the post mortem http://www.justice.gov.uk/kelly-pm-toxicology-reports.htm


Not quite sure what the Mail's motive is in printing the tripe it does although the main protaganists who appear to have driven Kelly to suicide - the former Labour administration and the BBC - are two of the Mails biggest bogeymen

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Was this a suicide threat ?


From- http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/politics/8080427/David-Kelly-timeline-to-a-controversial-death.html


February 2003

Kelly tells British diplomat there had been “a lot of pressure” to make dossier robust on WMD readiness. Kelly says if Iraq is invaded he will “probably be found dead in the woods”.


July 18,2003

Kelly’s body found..(in the woods)

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Was this a suicide threat ?


From- http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/politics/8080427/David-Kelly-timeline-to-a-controversial-death.html


February 2003

Kelly tells British diplomat there had been “a lot of pressure” to make dossier robust on WMD readiness. Kelly says if Iraq is invaded he will “probably be found dead in the woods”.


July 18,2003

Kelly’s body found..(in the woods)


And there was me thinking that you didn't believe anything in the mainstream press because they all do what the government tell them............


From the same paper - in fact a link from the story you linked to.



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If they had a genuine inquiry, and it turned out - as seems very likely - that Dr Kelly was murdered, then that would be changining history.



No! A full and honest inquiry would be changing history.


Why bother, like all other enquiries that have taken place over the last few years it would be a whitewash and a complete waste of public money.

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