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Where is or what is , 'Todwick Bar' ?


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When I was a kid , we lived just off Richmond Road , not far from Woodthorpe School.

The number 21 bus used to go to Swallownest [i think ] but the No. 28 bus went to , 'Dinnington via Todwick Bar '.

As a kid , I often wondered exactly what Todwick Bar was ? Was it a village ? A Bar ? A Monument ?

Strangely enough , I've never discovered the answer , after all this time , 55 years !

Can anyone enlighten me ?

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Thank you , Strix.

It was one of those names that fascinate kids.I used to go to Catcliffe about twice a week to visit relatives but , strangely enough , never visited Treeton or Swallownest and never very curious about either --------but ,'Todwick Bar ' always seemed a bit of a mystery somehow , to a 4 year old !!

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  • 1 year later...

I live in Todwick Grange now. It's my girlfriend's Parent's house and has been for abou the last 15 years or so. After the place was a school, the National Coal Board used it as their headquarters. Since then my family has spent lots of time restoring it to it's former and original glory.


I love the house and I would be very intreagued if anyone has any photos of it when it was a school back then?


The history of the place also intreagues me so any stories I would welcome to hear about it.

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