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Where is or what is , 'Todwick Bar' ?


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I live in Todwick Grange now. It's my girlfriend's Parent's house and has been for abou the last 15 years or so. After the place was a school, the National Coal Board used it as their headquarters. Since then my family has spent lots of time restoring it to it's former and original glory.


I love the house and I would be very intreagued if anyone has any photos of it when it was a school back then?


The history of the place also intreagues me so any stories I would welcome to hear about it.


How about "The Grey Lady"?

I lived in Todwick as a kid ('63 on) and heard lots of half-stories about the main building being a bit spooky - never saw anything myself though....

I used to play tennis on the court just to the right of the gatehouse (the one on the A57, not the one on the Dinnington road) - tarmac surface, little wooden changing room, even had the raised umpire's chair...all gone now.

Used to go conkering as well on your front lawn with a few mates, until one of the gardeners scared us away.

Out of interest, my sister's father-in-law was offered the property (the house, the 2 gatehouses and all the land) for the princely sum of £800 just after the War!

Think a lot of "damage" caused by the NCB occupation, (followed by the kid's home) so great to hear that the place has been restored....

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How about "The Grey Lady"?

I lived in Todwick as a kid ('63 on) and heard lots of half-stories about the main building being a bit spooky - never saw anything myself though....

I used to play tennis on the court just to the right of the gatehouse (the one on the A57, not the one on the Dinnington road) - tarmac surface, little wooden changing room, even had the raised umpire's chair...all gone now.

Used to go conkering as well on your front lawn with a few mates, until one of the gardeners scared us away.

Out of interest, my sister's father-in-law was offered the property (the house, the 2 gatehouses and all the land) for the princely sum of £800 just after the War!

Think a lot of "damage" caused by the NCB occupation, (followed by the kid's home) so great to hear that the place has been restored....


I demolished the gatehouse on the A57 side back in the 70's, you can still see where I bricked up the small gate in the main boundary wall.

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I demolished the gatehouse on the A57 side back in the 70's, you can still see where I bricked up the small gate in the main boundary wall.


Well, shame on you!

Do you mean the little stile, halfway along the road wall between the gatehouse and the Red Lion? Or the actual road entrance next to the lodge?

If the stile, that's where we used to scuttle over.....

Down a little path, through the bushes, and you found yourself in one corner of the (magnificent) garden.

Terrific place....wish it was mine!

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Well, shame on you!

Do you mean the little stile, halfway along the road wall between the gatehouse and the Red Lion? Or the actual road entrance next to the lodge?

If the stile, that's where we used to scuttle over.....

Down a little path, through the bushes, and you found yourself in one corner of the (magnificent) garden.

Terrific place....wish it was mine!


He means on the notorious bend on the A57, you can see where the wall was bricked up. I thought that used to be the entrance to the top gatehouse. Anyone know why the house was demolished at all? If it looked like the one on the other side then it was a great shame.


There was another building in the grounds with a big clock tower, unfortunately this was pulled down at some point too. Sacriliage!

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He means on the notorious bend on the A57, you can see where the wall was bricked up. I thought that used to be the entrance to the top gatehouse. Anyone know why the house was demolished at all? If it looked like the one on the other side then it was a great shame.


There was another building in the grounds with a big clock tower, unfortunately this was pulled down at some point too. Sacriliage!


Ah...THAT bend.

Nasty one - many an accident there over the years.

Also at the Lion crossroads...

Before it was "poshed up" I used to sit on one of the benches outside the pub and watch the world go by (there wasn't much to do in Todwick in those days! I was one of perhaps a dozen teenagers in the village) and saw many a crash.

Bad road, that A57...

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Well, shame on you!

Do you mean the little stile, halfway along the road wall between the gatehouse and the Red Lion? Or the actual road entrance next to the lodge?

If the stile, that's where we used to scuttle over.....

Down a little path, through the bushes, and you found yourself in one corner of the (magnificent) garden.

Terrific place....wish it was mine!


Next to the road entrance, it was a nice little building but looked like it suffered from damp, but it would have been nice to see it saved.

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Ah...THAT bend.

Nasty one - many an accident there over the years.

Also at the Lion crossroads...

Before it was "poshed up" I used to sit on one of the benches outside the pub and watch the world go by (there wasn't much to do in Todwick in those days! I was one of perhaps a dozen teenagers in the village) and saw many a crash.

Bad road, that A57...


Did'nt Mr Barber get killed outside the Red Lion, I think they named Barber Close after him.

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Did'nt Mr Barber get killed outside the Red Lion, I think they named Barber Close after him.


Ah...the village squire!

Don't recall that happening, but I left the village in '74, only going back occasionally to see my old mum, who then lived on Osborne Road before moving to The Pastures...

I remember Mr.B having a fabulous cottage atop the hill - believe it all 'housed up' now.....another great pity.

Why can't they leave things alone?!

I can remember him wandering up to the rec during one summer, where the locals were having a cricket match with some kids from Kivo, and getting hauled in to make up the numbers.

Game ol' feller, he must've been late 60's/early 70's then!

Anyway, hope you're wrong about his demise, buteither way he must be long gone now.

Presume in the chuchyard somewhere, bless 'im....

Another nice building, that was too.

Rev. Lawrie at the time I was there IIRC....

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