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Ignorance is bliss

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One of the internet's biggest downsides is that it gives a voice to conspiracy theory nutters like that in the OP. Just because someone posts an opinion online doesn't give it any credibility.


Its a downside for those that wish to promote "government"propaganda

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Conspiracy theory is a BELIEF that an unpleasant event or situation is the result of a secret plan made by powerful people. We know that the government has lied repeatedly to all of us. Now that’s factual and that’s what I’m about, so I’m not a conspiracy theorist. Now you’ve only got to ask yourself one question. Does our government act in our best interests? I think that we all know the answer to that one! That begs another question. How far are they prepared to go? Now this is where the divide comes in. Some people prefer to watch Eastenders, bury their head in the sand & cry conspiracy. Some wake up & smell what the government & the powers that be are shovelling!! So, if you’re strong enough, dig deeper. Here endeth the lesson!!

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Conspiracy theory is a BELIEF that an unpleasant event or situation is the result of a secret plan made by powerful people. We know that the government has lied repeatedly to all of us. Now that’s factual and that’s what I’m about, so I’m not a conspiracy theorist. Now you’ve only got to ask yourself one question. Does our government act in our best interests? I think that we all know the answer to that one! That begs another question. How far are they prepared to go? Now this is where the divide comes in. Some people prefer to watch Eastenders, bury their head in the sand & cry conspiracy. Some wake up & smell what the government & the powers that be are shovelling!! So, if you’re strong enough, dig deeper. Here endeth the lesson!!



So after all that, the astonishing revelation that you link to in your OP is that governments don't tell the truth?


Well I'm amazed! John Harris and Brian Gerrish really are incredibly perceptive people and we should beieve everything they say about 9/11, Kennedy and Elvis!

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The makers of this website are holding back humanity.


What conspiracy theory nonsense do they get into you say?


They're amongst the douches who go round telling people not to get vaccines, Also, a quick perusal and a found a video that went on about how the government is controlling our minds through TV!


Sure it's not exactly Lizard people but it's still completely retarded.



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I was trying to explain that I'm not into the conspiracy stuff & that if you are prepared to open your mind to things that are hard to swallow & look deeper, then we won't be lead like lambs to the slaughter. One thing's for sure, all is not as it seems & I don't mean that in a paranoid way!! Anyway, got to go now the men in white coats are back!!

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So after all that, the astonishing revelation that you link to in your OP is that governments don't tell the truth?


Well I'm amazed! John Harris and Brian Gerrish really are incredibly perceptive people and we should beieve everything they say about 9/11, Kennedy and Elvis!


Why, what do they say about Elvis ?

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The makers of this website are holding back humanity.


What conspiracy theory nonsense do they get into you say?


They're amongst the douches who go round telling people not to get vaccines, Also, a quick perusal and a found a video that went on about how the government is controlling our minds through TV!


Sure it's not exactly Lizard people but it's still completely retarded.




do you have full faith they don't still do this-


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Did you know by the way that the moon landings were faked on Elvis's orders and that Osama Bin Laden is actually a lizard who's already shot both Kennedy and Lennon with the same time-travelling bullet?


It's interesting to note how well people have been condition to trot out these knee jerk cliches whenever they encounter anything that contradicts their established worldview. Very Pavlovian.


For example, if this forum had existed in 1956 and I had posted that the British, French and Israeli governments were colluding to topple Egyptian president Nasser and that Israel would attack Egypt in the Sinai, and then Britain and France would invade on the pretext of "separating the combatants" and protecting the canal, I would doubtless have been subject to the kind of comment above.


People would point to the British denial as proof that I was talking nonsense. Cue conspiracy theorist/tin-foil hat comments aplenty.


Guess what? I would have been proven right.


Protocol of Sèvres


That's not to say that every conspiracy theory or alternate view of events is correct, but they're not all, without exception, wrong either. Life is just not that simple, much as we might wish that it were.


Personally, if I was up to no good, I'd spread as many loopy theories as possible via the internet so that any truth someone tried to disseminate would be lost in the noise and static, and thus ignored.


"War is a racket. It always has been. It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives. A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of the people. Only a small 'inside' group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many. Out of war a few people make huge fortunes."

U.S. Marine Major General Smedley Darlington Butler




Or perhaps you might prefer Bill Hicks?


Go back to bed, America. Your government is in control. Here's Love Connection. Watch this and get fat and stupid. By the way, keep drinking beer, you ****ing morons."
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