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Are you attracted by a certain 'type'

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However my current celeb crush is ... Sam Pepper who fits none of the above apart from witty. So maybe my default is wit.


I don't find many real life people attractive in that way - to the point I worry about myself sometimes - but I find most people have some attractive qualities.


Holy Holy Jeesus, pious Allah, reverent God etc etc etc


Sam Pepper, he's about as much fun as having a boil on your ass :( In fact, I'd go as far as to say..I could punch him till me hands bleed!

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My type seems to be the one that's able to fool me into thinking he likes me for just long enough to break my heart.


Oh bless you. Just see them as the 'came and went' types.


Remember, everyone we meet is there for a season, a reason, or a lifetime. Have they taught you something?


You will keep on making the same mistakes until you learn a lesson. Not everything lasts forever. Some people just come and go. Take what you want from those experiences, and, somehow, if you can, look upon them as worthwhile.


Don't spend your life filled with bitterness, and regret....otherwise you are going to be bitter and regretful forever, wishing you could go back and change your entire life. That is really NOT a good place to be. Live your experiences, and then move on to the next. Look back on your life for what it has been, then, carry on living your life...whatever it may bring xxxx

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My type seems to be the one that's able to fool me into thinking he likes me for just long enough to break my heart.


I've done that, although not intentionally or conciously, other factors were at play.


And it's something that I'll not be able to forgive myself for for a long time to come. :(

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I am definitely attracted to a type: left wing, highly intelligent, well informed, emotionally intelligent, interesting, witty, self-deprecating, funny, loves women and the company of women and must be a bon vivant.


Looks are secondary to all of the above.


A bit like the holy grail which I why I held onto him when I met him.:D

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I've done that, although not intentionally or conciously, other factors were at play. And it's something that I'll not be able to forgive myself for for a long time to come. :(
I'm pleased to hear it ... other factors are always at play, though. They're never an excuse to use someone else to make yourself feel better. You might as well forgive yourself though, at least you managed to get out of it with your heart intact. Let the other person do the hating for you, because they definitely will ;)


@Baboushka, learned a lesson? Obviously not, somehow I always manage to find the Toad Prince ... :D I've decided after so many years, that it actually can't be them, it must be me. I kiss a prince and he miraculously turns into a toad, before my very eyes :hihi:

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