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Singles record in 1960


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Maybe it looked like this:http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.homesweethomestyle.co.uk/images/products/march%2520mix%2520106.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.homesweethomestyle.co.uk/productinfo.php%3Fproduct%3D1173%26PHPSESSID%3D3357d97ba95e644ec8bc2a03c656f293&usg=__7OLr220Z6Y5FOrwubDqBHUjRsv8=&h=448&w=336&sz=23&hl=en&start=0&tbnid=8s_aipYmttUJtM:&tbnh=152&tbnw=113&prev=/images%3Fq%3Ddansette%2Bred%2Bgrey%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26biw%3D1024%26bih%3D574%26tbs%3Disch:1&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=128&vpy=202&dur=1675&hovh=259&hovw=194&tx=122&ty=111&ei=WopmTNTgAd3NjAfdmNjUBA&oei=OYpmTLCTEou7jAeW5IzVBA&esq=4&page=1&ndsp=16&ved=1t:429,r:5,s:0

Yes "Philip Cann, the music man" - used to be in Dixon Lane, then Chapel Walk - here's an old record sleeve:http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u219/twigmore/Cann.jpg


I think my Dansette was bought "on weekly terms" from my uncle who had a household furniture business up Ecclesall Road.

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.......let there be drums YES!!!!! Duane Eddy was another of my faves! Iloved the Everly Brothers too!! A friend of mine saw them in Canada, at the time they were not speaking, said it was quite bizzare, they never spoke to each other ,but kept turning to the band! Wonder if they ever made up? The harmonies they did have never, I don't think, been surpassed.

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I can remember going to Wilson Peck(?) on London Road and standing in a booth listening to Lord Rockinghams X1 playing 'hoots mon, theres a moose loose aboot this hoose!!!!!! They knew how to write'em in those days!!!!!!!!

Think the first record I bought was 'Are you lonesome tonight' by the KING, it always reduced me to tears.


Hetty, that was my was my local record shop and I remember the listening booths well. Cutting edge technology in those days!

First 78rpm single "Singing the Blues" by Guy Mitchell.

First EP 45rpm (Remember them?) "Jailhouse Rock" by Elvis.

First LP 33rpm "April Love" by Pat Boone ( after seeing the film.) Must have been a very young romantic!!

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I bought my first singles records in 1960 to play on my Dansette (grey with red lid), they were: The Drfiters "Save the Last Dance For me" and Johnny Tillotson "Poetry in Motion".

How much did they cost, it's not a trick question just, that I don't know the answer as I can't remember that's all.



I have to agree with Arrodbo, When I read your post the price of 6/8d immediately sprang to mind, I thought I had some sixties M. J. Thomas and Co cardboard record sleeves with 6/8d written on them, found the sleeves but no price was on them. What I did find was an 1962 E.P. By A Sleepy Lagoon By Karl Denver this was marked up at 11/3d.

Our first 45, purchased as a family was Diana by Paul Anka, closely followed by When the Kalin Twins.

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I was thinking more on the lines of 4/6d -4/11d, I didn't think I could have afforded more than that but, as I said, I really couldn't remember.

Thanks for the suggestions.[/quote[/i]



I agree with you I know it was just under 5 shillings but as most things then used to cost the odd 11d perhaps 4/11d is what they were..I can remember lots of things being 19/11d and because it was under the £1 it seemed cheap.

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I was thinking more on the lines of 4/6d -4/11d, I didn't think I could have afforded more than that but, as I said, I really couldn't remember.

Thanks for the suggestions.[/quote[/i]



I agree with you I know it was just under 5 shillings but as most things then used to cost the odd 11d perhaps 4/11d is what they were..I can remember lots of things being 19/11d and because it was under the £1 it seemed cheap.


5 bob was a lot of saving up for me in those days so 4/11d each record would probably have meant I went halves with my brother.

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My Dansette was bought on t' tick as an Xmas present from mi' mother (from Philip Cann..the music man....:hihi:..It was blue and grey with a Garrard deck.)

I remember singles at 6/8 d each ( co's you could buy 3 for a quid )

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