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Union gets 12% pay rise for worker

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Your point only really works for small businesses. Above a certain level those rules stop applying.


There are plenty of examples of Chief Executives receiving large payrises whilst the companies values are decreasing and golden handshakes whilst being sacked for incompetence.


Fred Kite also said....Ahhh, Russia. All them corn fields and ballet in the evening. :hihi:


Great film..


I'd agree to an extent, but many large successful companies started out as small businesses - look at Suralan's for instance. Started from nothing and he's reaped mega rewards. Is that wrong? Of course I don't agree with the payoffs the senior execs in failing companies got/get. Neither do I agree with some of the salaries paid to Chief Execs of Housing Associations - not for profit companies - which are neither really private or public sector. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/politics/7795905/Housing-association-chief-on-400000-a-year.html

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I heard Boris Johnson on the radio today lambasting Bob Crow - describing him as a dinosaur.


This is the same Boris Johnson who last year complained that the £250,000 annual earnings he got from writing a column for the Telegraph as 'chicken feed'.


This is the same Boris Johnson who's spokesman said: “Anyone delivering public services in the current climate who thinks they deserve a double digit pay rise is not living in the real world.”


But Bob Crow doesn't deliver public services, unlike the chief executive of the Greater London Authority – Leo Boland.


Last year Boland’s pay was increased from £183,000 to £205,000 a year, according to figures unearthed by Adam Bienkov.


Who approved that 12% pay rise? Boris Johnson – occasional Mayor of London.


By his own admission, he is not living in the real world. I’m sure that won’t come as a shock to anyone.



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