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Obama, his true colours are now showing

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I'm sure some of them do oppose it - and equally sure some of them don't.

You're not seriously suggesting the relatives of the dead should have a veto on this are you?


Yes, why not seeing as they were directly affected.


What happened to consultation?

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Yes exactly, which means you can't say "you can't build a mosque there" unless you would also be willing to prevent ANY religious building there. Obviously.


That's not the point. It is the insensitivity of it. We know for example there are good and bad in every group and whether we like it or not the minority can give the majority a bad name. Seeing as Al-Qaeda are Muslims, people will see the centre as being built by their families murderers.

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Yes, why not seeing as they were directly affected.

It's moot point anyway; there are families of victims of 9/11 who support the building. They are not one united voice against the building.


it was Muslims who killed their family.

No, terrorists killed their family. Not all Muslims are terrorists.


And still we carry on this merry dance.

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Poppycock. That's just flannel.


This statement from the developer of the site:


"Park51 will be a community center promoting tolerance and understanding through three types of programs: arts and culture, education and recreation. We’ll offer all New Yorkers valuable services, world-class facilities and empowering opportunities to learn more about the world around us and about each other.



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Any division is the product of those like yourself who seem to be massively opposed to the idea without being able to identify a single valid or legal reason why planning permission should be withheld.


Other than nominally sharing the same religion what connection do you think there is between the people who want to build this mosque and the people who carried out the attcks on 9/11?


Islam is the common denominator.

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Seeing as Al-Qaeda are Muslims, people will see the centre as being built by their families murderers.


Well they need to adjust their thinking style or life will be forever full of disappointments beyond their control.

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