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Obama, his true colours are now showing

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Two thirds of Americans are against it.
And two thirds of Americans will have to wait till an election to do anything about it. We do not run our country on referendum. thank goodness. We elect people we hope will run it in our name. So do you. This whole thread is supposed to be about Obama. He has declared for the Mosque in the belief it will help heal some wounds. He knew some people would be against it. he's a very intelligent man. As we're finding out, unfortunately, more are seeming to oppose than support. The measure of this President will be whether he continues his support or kow two to the majority. It will also decide whether I vote for him next time or not. There's always Sarah Palin:rolleyes:
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Hey - don't drag me into this, I made my points some several hundred posts back!:hihi:
Ok, you're just rabid then Suffy ;)

Seriously though, there is a difference between disliking patriarchy and being a misandrist, something many people cannot distinguish between.


If I knew what a misandrist was I might be able to distinguish the difference :hihi:

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It's a fair comment but I would suspect that there were many more who were less than eager to hold out the olive branch at that time...
How would you like to live in a country where every body had exactly the same opinion. It would be pretty boring I think. Germans had to be of the same opinion under Der Fuehrer, or they got shot.:)
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Then you are not a Christian, for it is indeed Christianity.


Now the fact that you don't follow them is good, don't get me wrong, but the fact that you ignore these laws of god while saying that all Muslims must be killers because the Koran says so (which is disputable and shows a lack of knowledge on your part again, because it is nowhere as clear cut as that - for example anyone that follows any of the Abrahamic religions is specifically exempted) is quite clearly a double-standard.


Can I just say that the Old Testament which is what you quoted from is Judaism, and Mohamed incorporated a lot of the Old Testament into Islam which is why you get the stoning etc.


Jesus gave us a New Covenant which abolishes those things and even calling someone a fool is wrong.

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Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.


That was jesus saying that his coming does not repeal the previous laws of god.


Yes, the coming of Jesus was prophesied in the Old Testament which is otherwise known as the law and Jesus fulfilled prophesy or the law by his birth, see Isaiah for example.


Then as well you must remember that the Ten Commandments say not to murder.


The remaining 600 plus laws were man made by the Levite Priests and these are the laws we find in Islam which follows the same man-made laws (or most of them). On that basis Islam is not a religion of God but a religion of man.

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I don't recall saying anything about supporting such a thing and would appreciate if you would retract that statement.:rant:


Looks like you (sort of) did with:


Watch it rise then watch it fall... You heard it hear first:)


So you think that there isnt a sickness within the Muslim religion?


Not really.


I do, however, think there is something wrong with people who claim to be religious, yet act in a non-religious manner.


we all know who they are


Christians? Afterall, they use intimidation & terror on abortion clinics.


More about their rising dominance and power-base built on the back of a tragedy caused by people who follow the same religion of Islam.


A bit like your gang did in the middle ages. Now your "power base" is diminishing and you're attempting to demean another religion.


what looks like a lap of honour.


Only by simpletons.


Are you saying bricks and mortar is more important than human life?


Why are you trying to mis-represent what people are saying?


Why not try answering this post?


though he does use an awful lot of links.


Maybe so that other users can read up for themselves (or as a method of proving their point)?


Lack of hierarchy?


Allah (well muhammed) says.


You do.


End of as far as islam is concerned.


Pretty damn heirachical as far as i and all the suicide bombers can see.


That's not a hierarchy.


The catholic church, however, is a different kettle of fish.

like the Israelis do the same - which they don't


Of course they don't. They just send in a group of hitmen with false documents to assassinate people who disagree with them.


Mind you the Catholics have something at their disposal which is excommunication


Yet the vatican/bishops etc did nothing other than try to hide what was happening.


What you're failing to see is that the catholic church is vilified, but not that actual catholice practitioners.


Whereas yourself and other bigots are trying to blame the ordinary "man in the street" for the failings of a few.


Secondly worship is about just that, worship, not building extravagant symbols of a foreign religion set to dominate the world.


Your lot did, so why can no other religion do the same (or are you scared of the competition)?:rolleyes:


They were not giving planning permission to build extravagant religious symbols.


So. You're in favour of tearing down all the churches then, after all, there's nothing as extravagant as St. Paul's cathedral


Poppycock. That's just flannel.




Let's see your proof (or retraction of the lie you're propogating with this comment).?


It wasn't Christians who were the murderers.


:hihi::hihi:Of course, christians have never killed anybody, have they.


according to another post two thirds of Americans are against it.


In the absence of any proof, I'd take the comment with a pinch of salt.


you want him to illegally discriminate against one religion, in contravention of the constitution.


That's how the christian church achieved it's power base in the UK.


Its funny that Grahame- when you try (and often do) to re-direct blame on Christianity when people of your faith act against what you believe to be true christianity- you come up with "they're not true Christians".


So we will use your line of thought- "hey Grahame, they were not (true) muslims".:rolleyes:




You mean just steamroller it in and set people against each other.


Like the christians did in the middle ages.


Yeh, good idea not, from a religion of so-called peace.


So, you're accepting that the religion you follow is not one of peace? Glad you;ve cleared that up.


Double standards.


AKA Hypocrisy.


The perpetrators are being given a pat on the back


How many NY muslims were involved in the attack on the WTC towers?


Can I just say that the Old Testament which is what you quoted from is Judaism, and Mohamed incorporated a lot of the Old Testament into Islam which is why you get the stoning etc.


Jesus gave us a New Covenant which abolishes those things and even calling someone a fool is wrong.


So the 10 commandments have been abolished in christianity?

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Yes, the coming of Jesus was prophesied in the Old Testament which is otherwise known as the law and Jesus fulfilled prophesy or the law by his birth, see Isaiah for example.


Then as well you must remember that the Ten Commandments say not to murder.


The remaining 600 plus laws were man made by the Levite Priests and these are the laws we find in Islam which follows man-made laws. On that basis Islam is not a religion of God but a religion of man.


On the basis that you are one of the most spiteful, insecure and bitter people I've ever had the misfortune to come across you are not a man of God.


You have a duty in Christ to love your muslim neighbour as yourself - but day after day you strive to promote suspicion and distrust of your muslim brothers and sisters; instead of respecting your differences and welcoming the things on which you agree you pour scorn on them and seek to belittle them.

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Except the bible is written by men, whereas the koran (it is claimed) is the actual word of god.


But since they both follow the same god (which IIRC you have previously denied) I guess they are either both made up or both true.


But anyway, you are right the the OT is "the law" - and jesus, according to his own words, came not to break that law. So either you are right and jesus is wrong, or vice versa.


Jesus fulfilled the law (the OT). Had he not fulfilled the OT prophesies they would have been as nought and he came so that they (the Old Testament prophesies) should not be abolished (as naught) but fulfilled.


Then in the Sermon on the Mount he strengthened the Old Testament commandments and pointed out that it was impossible to keep the law which means we cannot be saved by works but rather by salvation which is a gift of God.

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