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Obama, his true colours are now showing

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Is that all the Muslim victims there were and they want to build something with I don't know how many floors?


Just a partial list collected from news stories, so there are probably more.


To answer your question I would see the building as a dreadful reminder of the people who planned and put into practice the events of that terrible day and I would be ashamed to think it was my fellow countrymen who did it. Part of the healing process for me is to forget painful memories and not to be reminded of them.


Why would you see the mosque as a dreadful reminder of the people that carried out 9/11?


The only answer to that is that you are confusing muslims with Al Qaeda.


If there is any shame to be had, it is in mixing up those two very different groups of people.


I don't see how there can be a healing process when 9/11 is being used to stigmatise an innocent group of people including friends and family of those who were victims. That is not a healing process, in fact it is the opposite.

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What an abhorrent remark.


You seem to be confusing the mosque project with commemoration of the disaster, it's nothing to do with it.


Ps: there have been bigger buildings built in the name of a bloke who died 2000 years ago, maybe you disapprove of those as well?


It is ALL about the disaster and remembering it.


And no I would not build monuments to people like Peter Sutcliffe.

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Just a partial list collected from news stories, so there are probably more.




Why would you see the mosque as a dreadful reminder of the people that carried out 9/11?


The only answer to that is that you are confusing muslims with Al Qaeda.


If there is any shame to be had, it is in mixing up those two very different groups of people.


I don't see how there can be a healing process when 9/11 is being used to stigmatise an innocent group of people including friends and family of those who were victims.


Personally I think the whole sorry business is best forgotten, never mind building massive reminders.

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I don't appeal to peoples emotions and then say people are wrong to have emotions. :confused:


You read it wrong Grahame. :)


I never said it was wrong for anyone to have emotions. That would be absurd.


Everyone has emotions both positive and negative. Dwelling on negative emotions is against everything I hold dear. As I said to Harleyman, it's a very slippery slope.

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