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Obama, his true colours are now showing

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Quit dodging the question?

I've already said in my last post to forget about religion, 9/11 and the mosque.


Why I is it whenever i corner someone with a question they dont want to answer they always come up with the "irrelevent" excuse


Would yiou support the constitutional right of a group to build a statue of Hitler in Coventy or London?


You and the others have been standing on the constitutional rights argument all through this thread so spit it out


Yes or No?


He's in very good company Harleyman.


Patriot or not?

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If you are looking at me, you are looking at someone who sees Obama, regardless of his religious affiliation, aiding and abetting Muslims




He's aiding the constitutional right of EVERYONE within the United states to practice their religion however they see fit without government interference as enshrined in law. Have you never read the Constitution of the United States of America??? Or are you really as thick as I'm now starting to believe you are?
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;6594992']He's aiding the constitutional right of EVERYONE within the United states to practice their religion however they see fit without government interference as enshrined in law. Have you never read the Constitution of the United States of America??? Or are you really as thick as I'm now starting to believe you are?


You'll have to excuse Grahame. He's a Christian you know. :roll:

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A point to remember is that when one of the hijacked planes was approaching the Twin Towers the landing gear hit the roof of the Burlington building so it should also be considered as destruction caused by 9/11 and therefore worthy of the same consideration and respect as shown to Ground Zero

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I think we can be reasonably sure who George Washington and Thomas Jefferson would be lining up with today on this one. And no, it wouldn't be Newt Gingrich and Dick Cheney.


Two hundred twenty years ago today, the Jews of Newport, R.I., wrote a proclamation for President George Washington on his visit to their synagogue the next day.


"Deprived as we heretofore have been of the invaluable rights of free Citizens," the Jews wrote to their famous visitor, we now "behold a Government, erected by the Majesty of the People . . . generously affording to All liberty of conscience, and immunities of Citizenship: deeming every one, of whatever Nation, tongue, or language, equal parts of the great governmental Machine."


you could say the same about a Yemeni or Omani burger flipper in lower Manhattan today.

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A point to remember is that when one of the hijacked planes was approaching the Twin Towers the landing gear hit the roof of the Burlington building so it should also be considered as destruction caused by 9/11 and therefore worthy of the same consideration and respect as shown to Ground Zero


Er, no. It should be considered accidental damage.

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